random thoughts of the day

wisdom teeth? im leaving mine in :), turns out my mouth is big enough to house all of them..but now i have teeth all the way to the back of my mouth

getting rid of this last tooth was the most horrific experience of my life.

advanced medicine? I think not..

That reminds me when I had a tooth removed a few years ago. It was also a not-so-very-nice experience. Lots of anesthesia and still I felt EVERYTHING. The dentist pulling my tooth seemed like he was trying to actually remove my entire jaw. I felt the pressure, it was awful. Then a nice hole with some nice stitches, a lot of blood, and antibiotics...
Yeah, it was like that.. it felt like she was trying to unhinge my jaw. I never felt any of the cutting but boy did the removing with a HOOK (they call it something fancy but it is still a stell hook!) hurt. First time I ever screamed while at a doctor.

Lucky that its over now, fucking things.. I'm now looking after the teeth I got thats for sure, I don't want anything more down with them. Or if, I insist on a full dose of narcotics. I don't ever want to be conscious for an operation ever again.
Raves are for douche bags.

Anyways...Dunkin' Donuts coffee is the best thing in the fucking world. Out of everything I've ever had...which is plenty a bean...I have to say this is the most tasteful and smooth...not quite bold as I enjoy that also, but you just can't beat the mouthgasm this amazing coffee gives you.

And Bret Michaels is gay.
I agree with you on all 3 things.
I worked at a Dunkin Donuts for a little over a year a few years ago and loved it. Closing shift/not many people + music of my choice + free coffee all night = awesome.
hahahaha i also agree with that entire post :p

and wow coma, i worked at a music store that was in a dying mall (lol music store in a dying mall sounds like a parody death metal album) and even i didnt have that much freedom :lol:
Sometimes it is not very easy to sleep when people are dying in wars at the same time. It's fascinating how we ignore all the things that happen in the world most of the time, but that's the only way I guess...
holy fuck it's raining...what...this is the 3rd time this month, since April...jeez.

and it rained for a total of a minute and a half...fuckkkkk
I mean people who were at some point close friends that you grew up with. I for one would make a terrible parent. Deep down I'm still a kid who laughs at fart jokes.