random thoughts of the day

I was early for my final exam this morning. How early I hear you ask?? Well, 24 hours early. The bloody thing isn't until tomorrow. I got my days mixed up.

Shite. :goggly::p
I can't stop thinking about what could have happened had the guy that ran over my boyfriend on his motorbike with a 4WD truck was driving 10kms faster yesterday.

Oh bloody hell. "Splat" comes to mind.. lucky it didn't.


I hate being rejected by roommates.
It sounds sounds a bit like sth you'd get after English and Skandinavian jumped old German in a dark alley. Or something. Pretty cool and insanely cute at times.
dutch is easy.
just learn german, det pissed drunk and try to use the letter J as many times as humanly possible wherever it seems to fit.
(and if it doesnt fit, just use it anyway, it´s probably supposed to be there anyway)

(No offense to dutch people, i really love your language.. but it is hilarious to listen to :) )