random thoughts of the day

7,5l ice-tea, apx. 3kg of candy, 1/2kg chocolade, several döner, one extended walk and about 30h of gaming. Not that bad for an extended weekend and 2 persons but now I feel really sluggish. But I gained weight so thats alright.
Me and my wife was that way too.
I actuall got to know her dating her best friend...and after that we were just friends for 5 years.
but even then everybody said me and Frieda (my wife) was supposed to be,
and when we finaly got together i ran home to my mom and said "mom! mom! guess what!"
her raply.. "what, youve finaly got together with Frieda?".. so much for surprises :)
Just saw the new Terminator movie tonight. It's good. Just don't expect fantastic dialogue. It's wooden at best. Still though, it's a good enough movie.

Also i'm heading home tomorrow for a few days so that means a 3 hour bus journey and then another half hour in a car. Joy.:Smug:
My thought is I'm 18 tomorrow, and I've been all moody and introspective about it for the past week or so. At least i'll be clubbing tonight so I should be having fun when it suddenly becomes sunday and I'll be like "oh fuck, 18"
Me and my wife was that way too.
I actuall got to know her dating her best friend...and after that we were just friends for 5 years.
but even then everybody said me and Frieda (my wife) was supposed to be,
and when we finaly got together i ran home to my mom and said "mom! mom! guess what!"
her raply.. "what, youve finaly got together with Frieda?".. so much for surprises :)

Haha Mums always know!
Just saw the new Terminator movie tonight. It's good. Just don't expect fantastic dialogue. It's wooden at best. Still though, it's a good enough movie.

Also i'm heading home tomorrow for a few days so that means a 3 hour bus journey and then another half hour in a car. Joy.:Smug:

About to go see it myself..I AM SCARED. You are the first person I have seen say it was good so I have hope now.

My thought is I'm 18 tomorrow, and I've been all moody and introspective about it for the past week or so. At least i'll be clubbing tonight so I should be having fun when it suddenly becomes sunday and I'll be like "oh fuck, 18"

Happy birthday!

my balls are sweating and my air conditioner broke.. :/

Apparently we will get snow this weekend.. though all I see is ice rain :(
The best way to stay cool is to not move haha.