anyway.. my daghter is 6 this summer, and i have loved every single day as a parent, and for the rest of my life i cant say that there is anything that could ever have been better than having a daughter.
what about a boy?
anyway.. my daghter is 6 this summer, and i have loved every single day as a parent, and for the rest of my life i cant say that there is anything that could ever have been better than having a daughter.
Thanks Hobo
I'm glad it worked out for you..really!
I'm hope that this would be the case with me too. But as Vincent said, I should be sure about this..I see so many breakups happening just after birth. It's a terrible thing to see..for everybody involved. I hear so many different things from from friends who have had children. Some say the things you say, others say it took them months and months before they managed to see the good part of it and some break up.
I know my gf will need me more and more when she is pregnant, much because of the hormonal madness they go through. I must be strong and certain of this mentally to not give up if she turns into a horrible hormonal's not easy to cope with if I'm uncertain...
It boils down to the old fear of commitment. Fear over love? I know I love her and that our relationship is very strong. We always communicate great...better than I ever thought I could with a girl. Not now though, we're quiet most of the time..some moments I get the feeling that we're coming close to normal again...but all of a sudden the silence is back and we just look at each other with these sad eyes.
I don't talk to anyone about this seems to be my only outlet. I have tons of friends and family, but so far I just can't talk to them about it now. Some will say "follow your heart"..heh, right. Nothing is more silly than a gut feeling. 1 out of 5 times my gut/heart/intuition is right. Logical thinking works better for me..of course it's not without a heart. Jeez... My closest friends will say...ouch..and ask a couple of good questions about how I feel about it. Do you love her? What's the worst thing that could happen? Is it so bad? etc..and it all will boil down to one answer..."you'll have to figure this thing out for yourself, but I'm with you no matter what"
It's good to see your post though fills me with some kind of hope. While Vincent does say also much of what I'm thinking...I must be certain..but then again..I don't think I'll ever be certain and maybe just have to jump into it and then see...but that feels even more wrong. There really is no right here...for me that is. So I should make a list..can't trust the heart, cause it it says "flee!" ...heh..
Apologies for the long post.
Thanks Hobo
I'm glad it worked out for you..really!
I'm hope that this would be the case with me too. But as Vincent said, I should be sure about this..I see so many breakups happening just after birth. It's a terrible thing to see..for everybody involved. I hear so many different things from from friends who have had children. Some say the things you say, others say it took them months and months before they managed to see the good part of it and some break up.
I know my gf will need me more and more when she is pregnant, much because of the hormonal madness they go through. I must be strong and certain of this mentally to not give up if she turns into a horrible hormonal's not easy to cope with if I'm uncertain...
It boils down to the old fear of commitment. Fear over love? I know I love her and that our relationship is very strong. We always communicate great...better than I ever thought I could with a girl. Not now though, we're quiet most of the time..some moments I get the feeling that we're coming close to normal again...but all of a sudden the silence is back and we just look at each other with these sad eyes.
I don't talk to anyone about this seems to be my only outlet. I have tons of friends and family, but so far I just can't talk to them about it now. Some will say "follow your heart"..heh, right. Nothing is more silly than a gut feeling. 1 out of 5 times my gut/heart/intuition is right. Logical thinking works better for me..of course it's not without a heart. Jeez... My closest friends will say...ouch..and ask a couple of good questions about how I feel about it. Do you love her? What's the worst thing that could happen? Is it so bad? etc..and it all will boil down to one answer..."you'll have to figure this thing out for yourself, but I'm with you no matter what"
what about a boy?
let the weekend begin
Fuck is education expensive..
Oh well. Another stab to the heart. I'm not even hurt anymore, just numb.
I know the girl I loved changed but that much..
But I shouldn't be bitter. I had a wonderful time and it was worth every second. Such a shame that it never came to the future we had wanted. Such a fucking shame.
Ever wished you could believe in a god just that you could forsake him in these moments? Pity I'm an atheist.
(Um. sorry for this rant.)
she ended up cheating on me with someone who "did believe" (but im sure he was just telling her things to force me out of the picture), ironic eh?
she ended up cheating on me with someone who "did believe" (but im sure he was just telling her things to force me out of the picture), ironic eh?