random thoughts of the day

I am eating cream of chicken soup with potatoes and broccoli...goddamn this is orgasmic....added habanero sauce for the perfect touch of heat.
What happened to my kfc kid? God....even in the internet world...someone can't take a joke....It's the internet for fucks sake...

Well whatever...the bar was filled with losers and I was blasting AC/DC and only one guy knew the songs...go figure.
One week of hell finally over.
Last tuesday me and my gf got the news that me might be getting a baby with Downs syndrome. We've been waiting for the answer a week now and been totally fucked mentally. This is the kind of news that changes EVERYTHING.
Suddenly neither me or my gf could see any good in getting the child. SUddenly I thought of it as a monster...that would make our lives tough like hell for the next 30 years. A kid is tiough enough as it is...
People with downs often have heart troubles, suffer from depression and various other mental disorders, other kids make it harder for them and they feel all in all very often less worth because everyone else are smarter and more beautiful...

We should have gotten the answer yesterday..which in itself totally destroyed us. You always hear that the waiting and not knowing is the worst part. I agree.
Got the answer today...and it turns out that it's okay...so far. In 4 weeks we'll know if EVERYTHING is alright.
I'm so happy right now...yet just empty...viva emptiness?! ;)

My sister has downsyndrome.

I know the worry and the change it can bring to your life, and the feeling of your kid being something you would rather not have to live with. But you haven't got that worry by the sounds of it.. life goes on.

You just gotta worry about them growing up and making the right choices now....