random thoughts of the day

oh bloody hell..

It was bad enough when I had an internship at a revalidatie-clinic with slowly dying old people in it.. but a 14 year old girl dying from that damn disease is.. a loss. And anyone laughing deserves something bad..

my respect for getting through that hellish evening.

mh, and I'm going home for a week.
@ Deathus; yeah, but she has always been pretty damn skinny and very pale.. which might have influenced her health. i don't know.
and um, thanks alot. after a night of good sleep i feel better.

@ Lisra; Thank you so much! Unfortunately death is the only thing that is certain in our lifes.
my mind is fucked after this evening..
A girl named hanna, who is 14(!) years old .. passed away because of the mexican flu..
she's the first girl to die of it in Holland..
i knew her because of the place where i am an intern.
i'm an intern at a youthcentre that organises party's and stuff.. and also that's a place where she came a lot before she got ill.
so, tonight there was an oppertunity to say goodbye to here at that place..
really, i had to soothe so many people.. and got sucked into it alot.. i really feel weird now. that something like this happens right in front of my eyes..
i just can't bare the pain that people had today.
and there even were people who could not respect this moment and they even had to laugh about. i really wanna destroy 'em.

i just had to type it down here.. just to give my thoughts a place.

and um, people that live in holland might have heard from it in the news.
Oh.. I'm sorry for that.. indeed what a loss.. she's in her prime. I hope her parents and siblings and friends will be strong enough to handle such loss of a (probably) beloved one. So sad.

And yeah, sometimes people can so stupid, just like the other day i was telling a close friend of mine that my dad might have brain tumor and he chuckled (but thanks God it turned outthat he's fine).

Too bad..
@ hexwinds; pfew, i'm so glad for you!
that guy deserves a serious punch in the face imo. :)

Sometimes people act weird when it comes to life and death issues without even knowing they are doing it, many people just don't know how to behave or what to say. It's unfortunate but I've seen it many times.

Very sorry to hear about the 14 yr. old girl, her family must be shocked right now. It is such a surreal experience when a person you have seen daily or frequently is simply gone for good, all the emotions you go through as you grieve. I wish her family and friends the best.
@ hexwinds; pfew, i'm so glad for you!
that guy deserves a serious punch in the face imo. :)
Especially after what he said yesterday... he was gloating coz i am repeating a year (not repeating coz i ddin't even go to college last year) and he promised that i wouldn't have good grades this year !!

It's my birthday! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Congrats !!! :D
my ipod got stolen.. it's a month old and i got it for my bday..
i really feel fuuuuuuucked up.

i know who they are... fake my pals that listen to hip hop. fuckin lowlives with no knowledge or whatsoever.
burn 'em.
I think wiggers is the politically correct term you're looking for. Assuming they're white, and not some sort of brown ... If you know who did it I'm sure there is some way to get it back, no?