random thoughts of the day

I grown up in a very female centered enviroments (strong older sister, lots of female cousins who were a lot around, emancipated mother, female kindergarden persons and teachers..). I don't relate to most "guy" stuff such as cars, sports (well, martial arts but strangely most people find that weird) and partying.

Most women are similarly "boring" but from another direction but I find that easier to socialize with. I'm less awkward around women, usually. Unless I've got a crush^^
@ lisra; that reminds me of a guy i know with 2 lesbian mothers.. he's quite different than other guys. He really cares about his looks and body more than any other guy i know. But! he's the man in his viking metal band called "Grimhorde", you might have heard of that band.

and um, alot of male friends of mine love martial arts so it ain't weird ;].

and to be honest, i have more male friends that female friends ;x.
maybe it's just.. when it comes to being an almost boyfriend.. men get all weird and complicated.
but as friends, they are quite easy. i love 'em.

so, there goes my whole point. : <
Yeah, but I actually do martial arts, most people just find it awesome. xD

Dont care more about my looks then the average.. often less, I guess.

I've more female friends, now that I come to think of it. Interesting thought.
Greatest shirt evarr!

In all actuality it's beyond fuck ugly. Who in the hell would actually wear this? I must know how many of these have been sold.