
I have been promiscuously consuming vasts amounts of liquor, vicodin, and Jolt cola so please bear with me. A few rants to mention.

If I here a "So and so band should play ProgPower or any other fest" I am going to go on a spree and castrate all males within the tristate area!!!!!!

If I go into a metal store and hear another person whine about a $1 on a CD they could burn off the net I am going to smash said CD in half (after buying it: after all I have to help the artist) and slice the persons neck with the other half and leave it in there so they can contemplate their actions next time.

If I hear one more person complain about Ozzy I am going to rig a device on their TV and any CD listening device they have. If these hypocritical douchebags even channel surf and hit "The Osbournes" or their CD player playes any Ozzy or Sabbath it will send 1,000,000 volts right into their ears, shattering their eardrums thus leaving them deaf and unable to hear.

Whew, that felt better.
Fuck yeah!...

Death to all poseurs...and posers (for those that don't speak European...hehe!).

Well said...it's sad that the mediocrity of the current metal scene seems to be perpetuated by the assholes that purport to love it the most...

Basically, a bunch of no-taste assholes fucking it up for the rest of us...

Oh well...it's a free country...and everyone is allowed to suck if they want to...

Rock on!
i've never really been a huge ozzy guy.

DIO,IAN GILLAN,GLENN HUGHES,TONY MARTIN RULE FOREVER OVER ozzy osbourne !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dont care if he snorted up ants or not i don't see what the big deal about him is. :yell: