

Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
I take my daughter to the dentist for braces..and they start throwing all this other shit at me to run my bill to close to $10,000.00 out of pocket. so i take her to another dentist and he gives me a great deal on braces for my kid, and in the process tells me that the other dentist was basically full of shit because the work they were talking about was more cosmetic then needed. why do companies try to fuck you this way?
"why do companies try to fuck you this way?" because they can. They did it to me. Got in a car accident some time ago.(not at fault but still costing me) Went to the hospital, they sat me in a hall way, touched me in a couple places (hurt here?" "no" "here?" "no") Send me on my way and charged me 10K. WTF! I didn't even get a room! Nothing I can do about it if I want to save my credit. Pure bullshit!
Come to Mexico dude, im not Kidding, Doctors here are like 10 times cheaper and are equally qualified, theres a lot of people from South Texas that come here for that, basically $4800 for me is too much for braces, even if you are coming from San Antonio and spend on the travel, would be a lot cheaper.

Just a thought
wow social numb, that is fucking retarded! WE TOD ID ! Some things in this world makes me want to fucking mutilate and kill everyone in sight!

some douche bag (i know him personally) broke into my girl`s house and stole her laptop that she is buying on rent to own. 12 more months at 100 bucks a month. They cant prove the guy did it either, so we are just out the money.

luckily I was able to get him to threaten to beat me up on facebook. took a screen shot and called the cops :grin: he will be going to jail now, because he is on probation :grin: but still out 1200 bucks!

dental care is expensive in canada too! that price is on par with what braces cost here as well. our health care i free, but the only dental that is free is pulling abscessed teeth :ill:

i fucking hate abscessed teeth!
Australia is not far behind on this. Your situation sounds absurd dude... sorry to hear that a situation like that even wasted your time.

Yknow here in Australia it's actually cheaper to take a vacation overseas, get our teeth done in a country with cheaper dental care, come back and still have money to spare over doing it locally.... And bands complain about how much I charge. WHAT.THE.FUCK.
Australia is not far behind on this. Your situation sounds absurd dude... sorry to hear that a situation like that even wasted your time.

Yknow here in Australia it's actually cheaper to take a vacation overseas, get our teeth done in a country with cheaper dental care, come back and still have money to spare over doing it locally.... And bands complain about how much I charge. WHAT.THE.FUCK.
What, really? I got a checkup, 8 fillings (with composite resin), a scaling and a fluoride treatment at a private dentist for $1050.