i friend of mine had a very similar situation. they gave him the registration code in the ticket but they never gave them the cd's. they told them you could download the software online. he then came back and said the only downloads there were on the internet were illegal. They still didn't give them the CD's because they said you could download from their website. So my friend ended up downloading the torrent and using his registration code to activate. about a week later they called him, telling him that the store DID have the CD's, they just weren't aware of it.

ROFL I think the same shit is going to happen to me dude. The people at this store are absolutely retarded. I just called them telling them what happend and the guy who sold me it (rodrigo) wasn't in yet so I asked to speak to the other pro audio guy. Told him what happend and he tells me that the files are all online and that he's pretty sure I don't need a cd.....So i'm like can I speak to your manager. He's like oh well he's not in yet and I was like whats his name so I can ask for him later and he says rodrigo :hotjump:

Are you fucking serious.....

not to be an ass, but this is a pretty bullshit statement

i manage a single department in a massive store, and my area alone has well over 20,000 individual SKU's...and i can tell you where each and every item is, and what its function/purpose is

yea, it required training and a bit of experience, but to say that it's unrealistic to expect people to know the shit they're selling is pretty erroneous!

+1 I agree with this I'm not asking the guy to like know every single aspect of the program, just know enough to actually sell it correctly. I wouldn't go to a car dealer and expect the people there not to know the cars they sell at least to some degree. So why should it be any different at any other professional and established retail chain/business.

I'd rather someone said "I don't really know, but I'll go find out/ask" than spout shit about something they don't know.

At least they're actually trying to help you and learn something. The willingness to learn is something I like to see in people, which is why I like this place I guess :)

not to be an ass, but this is a pretty bullshit statement

i manage a single department in a massive store, and my area alone has well over 20,000 individual SKU's...and i can tell you where each and every item is, and what its function/purpose is

yea, it required training and a bit of experience, but to say that it's unrealistic to expect people to know the shit they're selling is pretty erroneous!

I work in a DIY/Trade counter shop/warehouse. We stock over 13,000 items and the catalogue covers about 16,000 in total. Warehouse stock is not categorized due to stock levels and stocked items being constantly changed and shuffled under head office control so there is no logic behind how anything is stored. I get customers expecting me to be knowledgeable in plumbing, electrical, engineering, roofing, auto mechanics, heating engineering, telecoms, electronics.... Etc. That's on top of maintaining an up-to-date memorized record of every SKU in the company database, along with current prices on all changeable commodoties, at every time of every day irrespective of what area I've been working in or which shift in a 13-hour weekday I'm actually working. Oh, and if we don't carry it in stock, they expect me to know everywhere else that DOES. Our company provides NO training beyond that required to operate the point of sale & warehouse managment computer systems. We get paid only a few percent more than minimum wage.

You call my opinion "bullshit", I think your job must just be simpler than mine.
Sorry dude.... but what kind of idiot goes to a shop to buy software and comes away with only a reg code? If the product didn't come on CD's, chances are it wouldn't even be on sale in a shop. And you must've done some research before hand right?? At the very least you must have heard someone here bitch about having to install 5 DVD's worth of content... riight??

Only place I've ever seen only serials for sale was online.

Sure. The GC dude was a dumbass. But you're a bigger dumbass for walking away. And now you're going to get the guy in the shit for YOUR idiocy.
i manage a single department in a massive store, and my area alone has well over 20,000 individual SKU's...and i can tell you where each and every item is, and what its function/purpose is

If you can give me detailed information about 20,000 items, on the fly without having to look anything up... I'll coat my teeth in the skin of virgin 18 year olds and suck your cock until you're immortal.
i would rather have them call me dude, it kinda sets a good fun vibe instead of a super professional fake vibe. Especially if im buying instruments.
You can be "fun" and laid back without taking a presumptuously familiar tone. What's fake about acting professional and courteous? I wasn't implying I'd prefer a used car salesman or an insurance adjuster. FWIW I would have thought it was "cool" when I was at or below their age.

i love guitar center!!! *droooool*

sometimes i can't wait to go there after work!!! ...to buy stuff! i don't really spend my money anywhere else.

90% of the time i buy something i will research the poop out of it before hand! i never blame the sales person for mistakes. you should always go into a sale knowing that the sales person is talking out of their tokhes.

i worked at gc (once upon a time) for almost three years... and tbh i loved it!

i'm not saying it's your fault that you left without the merch... but i am saying you shouldn'tve left the store without the merch!

i'm with jeff! ...ask for a discount! the worst they can say is "no" !

*They never stock anything worth a shit
*No guitars are setup
*They can't fix any goddamn thing
*Will not negotiate a decent trade
*Too many nu metal through modeling amps
*Fuck that guys hair. Wait... is he hitting on me or trying to rip me off? both?! fuck.
*Hey assclown, i'm not trying to 'out-riff' you. shut the fuck up and let me hear if this used amp is worth $200 more than i can snag it on craigslist.
*Not enough used inventory
*Won't let me post an ad for amplifier repair that contains the phrase "Is your amp fucked?".
*Will try to argue with you about shit they don't know fuck about, like how you don't need a reamp box. After you just explained what reamping is. (FUCK.)
*Sales Tax
*Sales Tax
*Sales Tax
*Sales Tax
*Sales Tax
*Sales Tax
*Sales Tax
*Sales Tax

*I fucking blast their faces with killer string deals and get elixers for like $5. (fuck you i like elixers)
*Phaser + Flanger + Verb + Delay + Floyd Rose + squeeeeeeelz = People shit pants
*Playing electric drumsets on bad 80's settings and rippin' stank farts
*Finding something cool and then NOT buying it there
*Upper deck it!
*Drawing bullshit on dumb ads/prankin' them foolz
*Using Creed coverband flyer as toilet paper (after upper deck!)
*My exposed genitals can secretly brush against the back of any guitar
*"Dude this used amp doesn't even have tubes in it and i think these screws are missing; can you knock the price down?"
*Grab a baritone - hook it into the loudest fuck ever and play doom riffz. I did this in Rochester GC inside an isolation room. People shat themselves outside but the brave few that walked in got a nonstop barrage of fucking rad tones courtesy of a danelectro and fender bassman all out. it ruled so fucking hard. And a hot chick worked there.
*Create a fun endless loop of "No, not that one...THAT ONE" with the guy in front of the accessory wall.