for about the 100th time sine i ever started posting on here.. and for my first post in many months... PT does not have offline bounce because it was not initially, nor for many years, a consumer/prosumer/hobbyist/amatuer-enthusiast platform.... and since offline bounce sucks giant nasty donkey balls... impossible when using outboard gear, and squirrelly even when totally ITB... it was left out. Avid is not "behind technology"... they have simply been slow to bow to consumer demands when they know that the results won't be good or reliable. Other companies just don't give a shit.... this came from a senior digidesign tech i new back when i still lived in California.... they could have added it THEN.. they just didn't want to.... sorry kids, many plug-ins, by the very nature of the processes they emulate, just don't work as well in offline bounces, i.e.., Compressor plug ins.
don't worry though, just as with their recent "going native", they will eventually cave to prosumer demands.
plus, Ermz: all the other features you mentioned (track presets, bus soloing etc) are of course possible in PT, even implemented in a much more convinient way than Cubase does it.
To me it sounds like a typical case of "I am used to the workflow in software A, trying to do the very same, possibly by hitting the same key commands, in software B...and it doesn't work like it does in software A> software B must be worse"...that's a flawed thought of course!
Yes, you can do it in Software B! but you'll have to know how of course, and once you found out how to do it you might actually discover that the workarounds you created in Software A and are missing in Software B were just that...workarounds, that have been used so often and successfully that one might think it's a great feature...but eventually you might discover that this "feature" that you're missing in Software B isn't really a "feature" but was just a crutch you had to develop to use software A properly...that crutch might not even be needed in software B.
I've been exactly there, I used to be the biggest Cubendo fanboi, and I did work on PT LE frequently....and I HATED it, I was so much faster in Cubase and PT was missing all these great features I knew and used to use in Cubase, to me PT really seemed like a flawd design, When I made the leap to PT HD I abandoned Cubase completely, I was still missing those workarounds at first, but since I HAD to work in PT now, I had to learn how to do things in PT...and yes, it IS different from how you do things in Cubase, and THAT's why I missed the Cubase way of doing things....NOT because it was the better way...
When I finally found out how to do it in PT I also realized that my oh so great workflow and macros and key commands etc in Cubase were just a crutch to begin that I didn't need anymore when I found out how to do it in PT...and that's when I stopped missing those workarounds.
point is: all those features you're asking for ARE implemented in PT (except for the offline bounce for obvious reasons), but many of those features you won't even need once you learn the software, cause the only reason you used them in Cubase was because it's the fastest and most convinient way to do things in just have to let go of the idea that the fastest and most convinient way in PT has to be the same way things are done in cubase.
it's a different way, you'll have to learn where it is and how to walk it, but once you know that path as well as you knew the path in cubase you'll realize, that it's actually shorter and has less hurdles in the way