Rap Metal


Anti-humorizing DL Whore
Mar 22, 2009
New Jersey
I figured since I havn't exactly found a metal thread pertaining to the rap metal genre, perhaps I would make a thread where we can discuss and share rap metal bands and whatever. Please don't get all pissy and be like this is bullshit because it's not. I'll start.

Stuck Mojo's latest, "The Great Revival" is a good come back album aside from "Southern Born Killers" since their reunion.

I hate most of it, but I love this song:

despite the really simple, sort of silly verses...but then, it's seems like it's supposed to have an old school feel. Thrash section in the second half is neck-snapping.
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Heres another good one. Eyes shut tight by Downset.

compliments of Orion Crystal Ice
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7th Octave. But Rage Against The Machine is most high quality and closest you can get to it.
Half the people on here are all about porno-death-evil-breakdown-false-metal-core stuff and parade on the most false music in 'heavy music' imaginable, rap metal isn't my favorite thing but I'll take it over all of that stuff, don't flame the thread.
I wish bands that did rap in there music didn't sound like they were white, and didn't add their gay clean vocals.
You guys might wana check some Reveille as well.

Damn, I missed all the fun. :(

Anyway, RatM obviously rule, but I've never really had a desire to go beyond that.

I do want to check out some Beastie Boys at some point.
I didnt know Beastie Boys were considered rap metal. I thought they were just hip hop or whatever, regardless, they fuckin pwn.
Stuff like "Fight for Your Right" is fairly metal iirc

edit: Apparently Slayer's guitarist actually played the guitar on that song.
Beastie Boys actually made some of the best hardcore ever - before Rick Rubin and Licensed to Ill. They reissued their early stuff in an album called 'Some Old Bullshit.' ...don't know if this old news to everyone...
Dub War is alright, heres some more heavy stuff leaning towards the genre.

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I agree with this statement. there needs to be more rap-oriented brutal death metal out there.

The closest thing I can think of is Six Feet Under + Ice T on One Bullet Left. Kinda crappy song... but Ice T makes it atleast interesting.

And now, I wont post in this thread anymore because I have no interest whatsoever in this type of music.
there needs to be more rap-oriented brutal death metal out there.

Agreed... strongly.... That would be a very interesting listen. but considering what Krow said at least thats something to check out. Still there should be more.

Edit: here ill just post the song for you

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