Rap Metal

The closest thing I can think of is Six Feet Under + Ice T on One Bullet Left. Kinda crappy song... but Ice T makes it atleast interesting.

And now, I wont post in this thread anymore because I have no interest whatsoever in this type of music.
I think he was talking about slam...I think...
Those are two genres that just don't mix.

Anthrax mixed rap vocals well with metal; but RATM did it better.

Eh I think rap mixes well with metal. It really depends on the band and how they pull it off. For instance. Rage Against the Machine and Reveille are the same genre and sound exactly alike. Both bands however are pretty cool and pull off their style quite nicely. You should check out some Stuck Mojo, thats a good example of fine mixed hip hop with metal. The fact is... R&B and metal are two different genres. But if they are fused properly it sounds great.

edit: I really thought since Eminem seems to be one of the most potential rappers and is also into metal. Maybe he should consider doing a few demo songs with a fusion of rap and metal. I know he has the experience to pull it off nicely. Look at Limp Bizkit, thats kind of like the metal version of eminem.

edit: @ fleshmountain; Beastie boys aren't considered rap metal actually. They do have some influence but they are more of a rap rock group in some of their songs.
Rap metal is pure shit for the most part but that Tourniquet song's pretty cool and Kid Rock? You gotta be fuckin' kidding me!He's gotta be one of the biggest douchebags ever.
Definitly, but I think what you mean is "How did they change from this to that so unexpectingly thing". I wouldn't consider Kid Rock "Metal". Only some of his songs off some of his early work like "Devil Without A Cause". As for Limp Bizkit, hes been roaming through some weird imaginary road. Considerably from the album "Chocolate Flavored Starfish and the Hot Dog flavored Water" For instance. heres a very awkward video and somewhat strange song by Limp Bizkit. But you have to admit, even if your not into the whole rap metal gig, Limp Bizkit is one of a kind.

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Really dude, you've got to get some standards. I mean, Kid Rock? Seriously? That's about as lowest-common-denominator as you can get.
Hey hey Kid Rock may suck now. But he had some material I would consider rap metal. Why make such a big deal out of it. Jeez. What did you have in mind anyway that you would like to share.

edit: @ Orion; You can direct that towards Kid Rock but theres seriously nothing wrong with Limp Bizkit in my view besides some of his strange material. And that isn't too bad at all.
Soon we are going to be seeing threads about Scott Stapp :erk:

Ok lets not go that far. For fucks sake it's Kid Rock. He use to be the thing and now hes not. I never mentioned that he was rap metal I only quoted "SOME" of his material. And don't forget I didn't even bring UP the Beastie Boys in this thread.
No, he means that rap metal is about as close to "metal" (real metal) as Stapp is to metal. Although the first song on Stapp's solo album is close as hell to metal.
I don't find it necessary to degrade a metal genre for what it is. Such degraded terms otherwise would be Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, and Alternative metal. Of course those are the terms that come to mind.
Sorry thats not towards you. Thats towards earlier posts. Oh and sorry it's not much towards degrading but insulting rather. The genres however are degraded because the rather more popular bands aren't listed in certain archives or forums

@ soulslither, The_Mustard_Tiger
You've got some balls posting Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock videos on here, I'll give you that. Unfortunately for you, it is an objective TRUTH that
those bands came from a sick and horrible alternate dimension where things like irony and taste do not exist, yet somehow managed to offend the entire cosmos so badly they had to develop the technology for a space capsule that could be sent to the nearest black hole. Somehow through an astronomically small quantum probability (i.e. rotten luck), they and their capsule circumvented being utterly crushed by a gravitational force so great that not even light can escape it's pull, popped out the other side into our universe, immediately offending its sensibilities, and following a perfect trajectory towards our planet, were soon bound to land somewhere in the Midwest of the United States. Their coming was foretold in the 80's by the mad ramblings of the prophet Flava Flav but fell on deaf ears and thus the crisis was unable to be averted.
You've got some balls posting Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock videos on here, I'll give you that. Unfortunately for you, it is an objective TRUTH that
those bands came from a sick and horrible alternate dimension where things like irony and taste do not exist, yet somehow managed to offend the entire cosmos so badly they had to develop the technology for a space capsule that could be sent to the nearest black hole. Somehow through an astronomically small quantum probability (i.e. rotten luck), they and their capsule circumvented being utterly crushed by a gravitational force so great that not even light can escape it's pull, popped out the other side into our universe, immediately offending its sensibilities, and following a perfect trajectory towards our planet, were soon bound to land somewhere in the Midwest of the United States. Their coming was foretold in the 80's by the mad ramblings of the prophet Flava Flav but fell on deaf ears and thus the crisis was unable to be averted.

I already stated earlier... "SOME" as a very small amount of Kid Rock's material can be considered metal (Probably Barely). Only a selected amount of songs off the album I just mentioned. And exactly why do people on this forum hate Limp Bizkit so much from what I'm seeing...

And for your somewhat awkward discription of Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit seriously....