Rap Metal

Lol sorry if rap metal isn't your thing but don't go saying Limp Bizkit is shit. Their new material i'll admit isn't as good as their early work but it's alright theres some songs I don't like by them. Anyway, don't hate if you can't support yourself.

I'm quite partial to some early Korn and the idea of rap metal doesn't necessarily offend me (although most of the examples mentioned in this thread do), but Limp Bizkit are without any shadow of a doubt shit. There are no redeeming features whatsoever. Anyone with half an iota of a skerrick of taste or appreciation of anything decent musically knows this to be a fact.
Haters... From what i heard of Limp Bizkit didn't seem bad. It can sound weird but honestly I don't think its horrible. And if it is then im sure theres much worse.

I don't understand you. It doesn't sound "weird" at all. It sounds like generic mainstream rubbish. You say how much you hate Chris Brown and shit like that; Limp Bizkit falls into the same category. It has no redeeming value, no innovative style or technique; it's pointless drivel that appeals to immature minds.
I take Limp Bizkit about as serious as my fuckin' avatar. You can't go on a metal forum and talk about shit like Kid Cock and Limp Dicksuck and be taken seriously. Rap metal is just the biggest joke I've ever heard of. Fred Durst could never rhyme worth a shit,I'd listen to Cypress Hill or something before I'd play that corny ass shit.
I don't find it necessary to degrade a metal genre for what it is. Such degraded terms otherwise would be Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, and Alternative metal. Of course those are the terms that come to mind.

The band themselves suck the dick, the terms are just some people's description of how they suck it. IN other words, if someone walks in on your sister getting triple stuffed, me saying she got triple stuffed isn't as bad as the actual event.
Listen to Licensed to Ill and then listen to any rap that came after it, it was easily one of the most influential albums on rap.

Also, I found out yesterday that they used to be a hardcore punk band, I'd actually love to find some of there old demo's but I heard it's not easy to find.

edit: I have to admit though, there's not a much more challenging task out there than trying to take them seriously.