Rate avators & sigs.

I've already rated Arsham, so I'll rate someone else...

avatar 6/10 (cause that's a pic of Alexi that I don't like that much)
sig 7/10 (cause I like Alexi's words in it... that interview made me laugh in that point!)

(I would rate Mitch but he's too high up above... :()
Blackcore: avatar 4/10, sig 9/10 (wow, that's something unique)

Patches: avatar 10/10 (Alexi's my man!!! And i love that pic esp since it's black and white) sig 5/10 (kinda weird) Hell yeah, i love Cradle too! :) but i'm in love with Alexi so i'm going to change that once i'm not too lazy to upload him to photobuckets

Kayos: avatar 10/10 I'm absolutely in love it! At first i thought it was someone new and when i saw your name i was completely surprised. sig 6/10

Warheart: avatar 6/10 I love Alexi's hand but his face is more fun to look at. sig-7/10

Ghost of Bodom: sig 10/10 It's more organized now. That BitchButcher comment really works.

Victimof the NIGHT: avatar 10/10(yeah, you're hot) sig 5/10
Blackcore: avatar 4/10, sig 9/10 (wow, that's something unique)

Patches: avatar 10/10 (Alexi's my man!!! And i love that pic esp since it's black and white) sig 5/10 (kinda weird) Hell yeah, i love Cradle too! :) but i'm in love with Alexi so i'm going to change that once i'm not too lazy to upload him to photobuckets

Kayos: avatar 10/10 I'm absolutely in love it! At first i thought it was someone new and when i saw your name i was completely surprised. sig 6/10

Warheart: avatar 6/10 I love Alexi's hand but his face is more fun to look at. sig-7/10

Ghost of Bodom: sig 10/10 It's more organized now. That BitchButcher comment really works.

Victimof the NIGHT: avatar 10/10(yeah, you're hot) sig 5/10

You gave Victim's avatar 10/10 but you only gave Alexi 7? He's going to be heart broken. He won't want to be replaced my a woman.
why don't u do the world a favor and stretch your lower lip over your head and swallow.

they're actually good guitar players if you search for them on google video

ur av gets a 2/10 and ur sig gets a 8/10 cuz of starwars
i didnt say that, i said the guitar players can actually play pretty fast. i don't listen to their highschool metal shit

^you get 0/10 on everything cuz you are an idiot and very fat
lol randomness :lol: