rate my 30 minute metal mix and destroy me please

I think that the guitar tone is almost perfect except it sounds a little fizzy, or at least it feels like it's clashing with the open hi-hats. Perhaps it is the hi-hats then.

Other than that, I like the mix!
yea i understand about the guitar tone ulverine, its very grainy i think, i might multicomp it a little,

as for bass black neon its coming, colm has the bass recorded i think and he's waiting for his house to empty and he's gona do some screaming too.

cheers for the riffage comment

anyone else?
It sounds pretty distant in my ears, not really In Your Face (as i like it) Guitartone is indeed a little too fizzy, but i think you can achieve less fizzyness with cutting the frequencies that are sounding nasty.

The 'main riff' is really sounding like Chimaira's "Resurrection" furthermore a cool song :)
ok, cheers ill try eq'ing it out.

its actually two of my own custom presets in amplitube metal. sounds pretty tube'y doesn't it :)

if you want i'll post up settings etc

the kind of phased lead tone is also amplitube metal using one of the presets.
Yea, that guitar tone is badass, and does sound like a mic'd amp to me too. It's getting harder and harder these days to discern an amp sim from a real amp. Excellent job. I have AT-Metal, and I could never get a tone this good from it.

And the song itself is pretty sweetass too. Good work.



I don't mind the fizz if you're going for that old school thrash sound/vibe. If you're going for top notch production, I'd get rid of the fizz and add some balls.

The snare could be a better louder too, some of the crashes can go down in sound by just a bit.
i think the main 'tubeness' was achieved with the phasers here? dunno about the drums, i think the whole mix lacks a bit of body like... more bass i guess... but the tone... i'm opening my amplitube metal right now, sounds raaaaaad man
thats great lads, thanks for the comments, i got the bass track off colm so im gona so some work on that to get some low end into the mix, then fix up the drums.

for a 30 minute mix though im well happy!