Rate my Clean VOX


Apr 7, 2006
I was away at college for a year....and I can't stand not recording music!

Anyways....I'm new to singing. I still can't figure out screaming (my attempts are the subtle background screams)

It's really hard to judge your own voice, so I was wondering what you guys thought of my clean vox. They are getting better but still are kind of weak.

1. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=373597&songID=9113222

2. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=373597&songID=9113247

The quality isn't the greatest as well, its an sm7-> Line 6 toneport. I'm thinking about buying a decent preamp to record vox a bit better (and getting trillian for non-pitch shifted bass)

Let me know what you think....if they're terrible tell it to me like it is! :rock:
Sounds nice for a beginning singer.
When you scream, make sure it's not louder as your clean singing, else you're doing something wrong or different then 'screaming' but from what I hear you do it the right way.

I am not fan of this subgenre, but if "radio ready quality" is 10 then i rate you 8 to 9.

A bit more experience, or maybe even just a bit better production would add that missing 1 point :)