Rate my drum sound...


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
So I've been recording drums last week and I was just curious how it would sit in a scratch mix. Guitars are scratch guitars for the demo songs we did.

Snare: about 30% sample (selfmade), 70% natural
Toms: 100% natural
Kick: still sample. Want to take time in the end process to create my own sample for this..


I think there might be a bit to much reverb going on on the snare, or is that just me?

New version:
I really like it! I love a bit of reverb on the snare, so no problems for me.
Nice kicksound too. How did you record? .. and are you available for recording a dutch metalband featuring myself? :rock:
I think you need more verb on the snare, although somewhat different.. cant really explain to what though.

But i do think you should use 2 reverbs on it, the first one giving it more of a "roomy" sound, and the second one being more the effect.
I really like it! I love a bit of reverb on the snare, so no problems for me.
Nice kicksound too. How did you record? .. and are you available for recording a dutch metalband featuring myself? :rock:

Thanks. Yes. I own a small studio. So recording your band is not much of a problem. PM me for info and stuff if you want more info and have specific question or mail me at info@samuelstudios.nl (website not online yet).

I think you need more verb on the snare, although somewhat different.. cant really explain to what though.

But i do think you should use 2 reverbs on it, the first one giving it more of a "roomy" sound, and the second one being more the effect.

That's always what I'm thinking... the room I get is always great. I'm only looking for that "SLAM". And I'm always torn if it might be the EQ on the snare, or if that "slam" actually comes from the reverb itself.

The only verbs I have to work with are the ones in Izotope Ozone 3. And Cubase 4 Roomworks. You got any advice on a Reverb that's not to expensive but still good?

The drumsound is good work! I like it, dude!

Hey dude, yeah i like it as well.. but for me there is too much reverb on the snare, im listening on the headphones now and it's a bit too much for me personally... rest sounds great! and the snare is cool as well, just ease down a bit on the reverb tail or the amount of reverb.
It does sound pretty damn good. It could just be the general washiness of mp3 highs, but i'd say turning the overheads down might be a good idea.

REALLY like the kick, absolutely awesome sound
That's always what I'm thinking... the room I get is always great. I'm only looking for that "SLAM". And I'm always torn if it might be the EQ on the snare, or if that "slam" actually comes from the reverb itself.

Karma FX Reverb is awesome for snares and toms(And its free!)!

Press the "type" button until you get "hall 2", then tweak the decay to ~1800-2500ms, early on full, predelay on 0, then max out diffusion and start turning it gradually back until you loose the "boom" of the snare and just have the snap(Usualy between the middle and maxed out.), then use the lowpass to get the annoying hsss-sounds out of there and mix around with the "wet" knob until it sounds good.


Something like that.

Of course you should tweak it around to your tastes, but i always get a pretty good result from that one.

Btw, if its a slam you want, add a noisegate to remove the "sustain" on the snare, and then put on an EQ where you boost the ~220hz area(Thats where that slam sound is.), and then put on your reverb to get the "room" and the actual reverb, after that you should slap an expander & limiter on there to get it to really snap.
Better and worse.

I think the snare sounds kind of.. empty?
But the verb is nice, even though i think it should be a little louder, then again, i am into 80's metal! :lol: