Rate my first vocal fry practise :)


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Dudes! Today I practised vocal fry screaming for the first time in my life. A few days ago I discovered I could actually pull of something that resembled a scream while I was taking a shower. Then I decided I'd explore my voice and so I did today and here is the result. This is a little bit from a song by Textures and the first scream is obviously both me and that singer but the rest isn't actually there on the original song so I just screamed some random shit, no words, just sounds. The first scream wasn't really good but I think the rest is kind of cool considering it's my first time. I've heard it takes like a year to get a grip on this vocal fry screaming but damn, at this rate, I think I'll become quite good :) Have a listen!


I don't know what the hell that little "yell" in the middle before the screams is but it was fun haha.

Vocal fry screaming is so cool because very small "movements" in your mouth and throat have a huge impact on the sound so I have a hard time controlling the screams to come out the way I want but that's what practise is for. And my throat feels totally ok after the practise so I guess I'm not doing it wrong, weehoo.

Edit: Practise #3

Sounds good for just starting out. Get rid of the constipation sound and it will sound great. Now you can finish your album!!! And it will be YOURS.
Haha, yeah I think the "conspitation" sound comes from like... I notice my actual voice "gets through" sometimes, mostly on the beginning and end of each scream. That sort of makes it sound like you're taking a shit. Good thing is that I was constantly aware of those because I don't like how they sound one bit so I think I will be working a lot on removing those and making the scream more "instant".
awesome man, i haven't read anything from your project since you were looking for vocalist, and it's really cool that you're taking the solo way! sounds really good to my ears, great for a first time! i don't know much about vox processing but i like what i hear
great technique for beginner, maybe 2 months later you master this technique.

I hope so
did you have a tutorial somewhere that showed you how to do this? it sounds good to me, and ive always wanted to learn haha :D
Thanks dudes! Obviously there is a lot of practising that needs to be done before I'm usable as a singer/screamer but hey it's fun and I enjoy it so I don't see any reason why that wouldn't happen if I keep practising :)

As for tutorials, no I haven't really picked anything up from a tutorial or anything. I have watched some videos on youtube but no one seems to be able to describe in a way that makes you understand. I sort of gave up on the whole screaming thing and just focused on cleans which I have practised about 3-4 times now (1 hour per session), and then after one of those sessions I caught myself sort of doing screams in the shower. I was like "wtf was that!?" when I heard myself doing it haha. All I remember is that I pushed from my abs and shaped the sound with my throat but not actually yelling from my throat. Then I thought "I REALLY need to experiment with this one day soon" and so I did today and after 20 minutes, I had figured out how to get a scream.

But the thing is... I am not entirely sure if it is vocal fry or if it is false cord screaming that I do. I do know that I'm using my false cords when I do them though but I'm not sure if vocal fry screaming also does that. However, I do apply vocal fry to my false cord singing, and that is what produces the scream sound so I guess I am using vocal fry. Maybe false cord screaming and vocal fry screaming is the same thing? I have no idea really. I guess the important thing is that it did not hurt and my voice didn't "shut off" once during the practise. I could also hold a scream for very long periods of time since not much air is actually used, it's really cool.

If there's a singer/screamer in here who knows a lot about this, please chime in with your thoughts and what you think it is that I'm doing haha :)
Listening to the clip again, I already feel like I can do so much better so I'm looking forward to next practise. Man this is so much fun, I'm discovering a whole new side of myself. I never thought I'd be venturing into this singing and screaming thing and now that I've finally let go of the barriers, It feels fucking awesome.

If anyone of you think you can't sing, or if you're embarrased of singing (even when nobody is around), stop that immediately and go sing. :)
That's awesome Erkan - I love when you get an epiphany like that.

Sounds like you're doing a bit better than you were before - that's great! Good luck to you man - I know you'll get there really wuickly - you seem like a dude with a lot of determination!
Sounds really cool for the first time, at the end it's audible that you "fell out" of it a bit but I guess it won't take long until you'll be stable with it
about fry vs false chords : who cares how it is called anyway as long as it sounds cool?^^
the most important things imo are that you use proper breathing technique, that it doesn't hurt (throat and head, can be in case you take too much air and make too much pressure) and that you don't force yourself to sound in a specific way. Not everyone can do everything in most cases, so it depends on your voice too.
Experimenting is the best way to discover such things + it's a lot of fun too :)
but what the hell did you do under your shower to suddenly scream that way? haha :p
That's awesome Erkan - I love when you get an epiphany like that.

Sounds like you're doing a bit better than you were before - that's great! Good luck to you man - I know you'll get there really wuickly - you seem like a dude with a lot of determination!

Thanks Chris, thanks for feeding me some motivation, always needed :)

could you please help me scream on my song http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/...neighbourhood-law-growl-gang-vocals-need.html

maybe you can test your vocal fry


Haha, I'm sorry but I'm not going to attempt that because I'm nowhere near the point of screaming well as I'm still experimenting with my voice. I would not be comfortable with screaming on other people's stuff when I haven't screamed on my own yet... and for that there is a loooong way to go yet.

Sounds really cool for the first time, at the end it's audible that you "fell out" of it a bit but I guess it won't take long until you'll be stable with it
about fry vs false chords : who cares how it is called anyway as long as it sounds cool?^^
the most important things imo are that you use proper breathing technique, that it doesn't hurt (throat and head, can be in case you take too much air and make too much pressure) and that you don't force yourself to sound in a specific way. Not everyone can do everything in most cases, so it depends on your voice too.
Experimenting is the best way to discover such things + it's a lot of fun too :)
but what the hell did you do under your shower to suddenly scream that way? haha :p

Guess you're right Mago - shouldn't be too caught up with terms and what is false chord screaming and what is not - as long as it sounds good it's cool. But still, it's good to know the difference so I definately wouldn't mind finding out. I did some googling and they are often mentioned together but I think they are two separate things so... hell if I know. Haha, I was just taking a shower I swear, no weird things going on in there!
it sounded BIG even you didn't doubled it

I must try to sing in bathroom like you, i always feel shy when i sing

Thank you, you open my mind about singing!
it sounded BIG even you didn't doubled it

I must try to sing in bathroom like you, i always feel shy when i sing

Thank you, you open my mind about singing!

I always felt stupid when attempting singing before, even if it was just me and no one else around. Really, I would say that's a pretty bad mental issue and it probably stems from bad self esteem, most likely in my case at least. Now that I'm working on my self esteem I can sing without any problems. Haven't tried singing with people around but now that I know I CAN sing, it's a good step towards singing with others around.

Sound wicked mad, did you do some extra saturation for the vocals?

What I understood from the Melissa Cross DVD's, that vocal fry doesn't hurt your voice on the long run as much.

I did nothing except a high pass and compression to keep things level and to blend my voice in with the music a bit. If it sounds big and good, it's probably because of Textures' music sounding big and good :) I don't think my voice would sound as good in solo or in my own music but we'll have to see.

One thing I know for sure is that I have to watch Melissa's DVDs again because I need to clear up this vocal fry and false cord scream thing.
sounds almost like guy from Coalesce:D great, I must try too in the future


Oh yea I can hear it, he has a lot of throat sound in his screams too and sounds a bit constipated like me haha :D I don't like that type of screaming too much though, I need to find a way to get less "resonance" and less "tone" in my scream.. less constipation that is!
Bumping the thread a little just to let you know that I've gotten a new cool sounding clip (once again with Textures as the song choise) which has less constipation sound (I think?) and generally darker. I don't know, I think I've found a slightly new way to do this and I'm gonna keep exploring it. Just captured this little recording now so the update is pretty "live" haha, now I'm gonna go back and practise a little more!
