Rate my mix please (thrash/death metal)

I like it! What do you use for the guitars?

Hey thanks man. The guitars are actually a Maxon808>Triple Rec>Mesa OS>SM57>RME FF800. I think the settings on the amp were almost everything at 12 o'clock except gain at like 3 o'clock and prescense at like 10 o'clock or so. We used a cheap $200 Yamaha guitar with some passive JB's in it. I had to compress the guitars a lot in order to get the pinch harmonics to come out because both guitarists were used to playing a Line6 with distortion/compression on max so even if you botched a pinch it'd still come out. The tones they were used to practicing with had almost no pick attack or definition in them so I couldn't get a decent sound out of the Line6's to use them in the mix.