Rate my Mix Please!


New Metal Member
Nov 14, 2006
Hi all,

My name is Jimmy and im 27 and from Australia, I have been playing guitar for 17 years now and i have just built my home studio for myself. I recently bought a Roland TD-6KWS Vdrum kit and im loving that! I use it in conjunction with BFD and DFH, DFH rocks! I am a shredder at heart but i love my metal!

I was bored today at home on holidays so i thought id record some frustration

and here it is

http://members.dodo.com.au/jjer/kill_you.mp3 right click save as

Drums are EZX Drumkit From Hell,

I didnt use v drums because i wanted the over processed almost computer sound that a lot of bands are doing at the moment, such as lamb of god and meshuggah.

Let me know what you think i did it in FL Studio, guitar is Ibanez with PAF Pro`s and POD XT LIVE, the Bass is an Ibanez 5 String through a VAMP Pro.

My Other Equipment includes the following

Intel Core Duo 2 E6600
4Gb Ram
1.5 TB HDD (4x320gb 1x200gb)
Asus P5wDH Deluxe
M-Audio Audiophile 2496
EVO MK449c Midi Keyboard

My Guitars
1991 Ibanez RG 570FM w/Dimarzio Paf & Fred Combo
1993 Ibanez RG 550 w/Seymour Duncan JB in neck and bridge (strung B to b)
1994 Ibanez RG 570 w/Dimarzio Tonezone and Paf
2001 Fender Strat w/Dimarzio HS2, HS3 & Chopper
1990 Fender Strat w/Lace Sensors & Hotrail
2005 Fender Strat Deluxe w/SCN Pickups

For effects and processing i use

Boss GT6
Behringer Vamp Pro
POD XT LIVE with Metal Shop and Classic Addons

and i just bought and Ibanez 5 String bass!

here are some pics of my stuff






Looking forward to learning a a lot of techniqies and passing on some things ive learned!

Rock on guys

actually i just remembered the patch is called JSX and its the one based on the Tradplate model, all i did was take off the reverb and delays.