Rate my mix

Your DropBox link is giving me a 403 error. You need to place your Mp3 into the public folder. Once it's in there and uploaded, right click it and click 'copy public link', then paste it in here.

That's better.

Overall the mix isn't bad, but the drums sound seriously mono. Good job with gelling the guitars and bass together, but the guitars sound a bit boxy for my tastes. I like it when the drive isn't there automatically, when you have to make it come through your playing. There's a fine line between overgained and undergained.
yeah somethings up with the drums for sure. even when I hard pan them they don't seem to spread out. /:
I've added more presence and width to the drums and updated the link. Let me know if its any better :)

Redline4, I found out the kick was actually interfering with the bass in the EQ, which is probably what made it sound so distasteful for you.
Am I hearing 2 kicks hard panned??. About that kick it's just his plastic/over-slappy tone that bugs me.
Am I hearing 2 kicks hard panned??. About that kick it's just his plastic/over-slappy tone that bugs me.

No they're not hardpanned at all... Maybe a cut around 1-5khz will kill that slappiness. At any rate I don't really see how you think you're hearing hardpanned kicks.
I fixed the image, kick drum and compression and the final update of the mix is now in the original post. Again, any guidelines or help would be awesome.
Kick is indeed A LOT better. Everything glue well togheter but guitars are maybe a bit ''dry'' if you see what I mean..