Rate the Song Above You.

Hydrazoic Acid

Stranger In Us All
Jan 10, 2011
I would like to offer you an entertainment theme. You listen to the song, that posted above, briefly commenting and rate it from 1 to 10, according to your impressions of the heard music. Then you placing your song to the theme. Range of genres isn't limited.

Shall we begin?:)

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I've never listened to this band. Anxious, tense atmosphere, supported by industrial noises. In general, an interesting composition. 7.5/10.

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Multifaceted, melodic composition, with dramatic vocals, that reminds me about Jorn Lande. Excellent! 9/10.

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^ 6/10 - never really liked maiden.

who wants some table?

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Song from "Lulu" - is something unusual, despite the fact that many speak about this album disapprovingly. Riffs are interesting, but lyrics isn't in my taste. 5.5/10.


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