rate the tone of my quick clip please


Jan 20, 2007
Westerville, OH
what's up guys? i have been working a lot on my production lately and trying to get the best sounds possible, particularly my guitar sounds. i'm a big fan of bands like killswitch and lamb of god and i'm really trying to get that thick, punch you in the chest and then suffocate you type tone on the latest killswitch records. anyway, the clip is called all parts of soup (don't ask) and it is just a simply chord progression really and i just wanna get some feedback. i used the uberschall and i used eq and oxford inflator on the drums (loop) and the bass only (nothing on the mix buss). how can i improve the sound? thanks.

Too much high end on the snare. The entire thing is clipping. Guitars sound good I suppose, but it's hard to tell with just light riffage.

thanks for listening guys. i think the drums were clipping everything. i'll work on that. i'm mostly concerned with the heavy guitar sounds (guitar player here) which ofcourse i'm never happy with, but i think i'm slowly improving. i was going for more of a thicker killswitch type tone on this one, obviously there aren't enough mids for lamb of god stuff here. i actually recorded this part 8 times with a sennheiser e906. does this sound like overkill? how do you guys typically track your guitar parts? remember, this is at low volume, and whenever i set up multiple mics i always have phase problems. thanks.