Rate this Death Metal mix/song.

Aug 6, 2006
This is a Death Metal song

I would love to get feedback on the overall mix of this song and the song (song writing) as well. Any and all comments are welcome good or bad.



4 guitar tracks 1 80% left, 1 80% right, 1 100% left , 1 100% right
1 bass track centered
1 drum machine track centered
1 main vocal track with some 2nd track fill-ins

The guitars are all done with my V-Amp Pro. 2 tracks with the Off-Axis Cabinet and 2 tracks with the Vintage 78 Cabinet. I also used the V-Amp Pro to record the bass track as well.

Here are the lyrics as well if anyone is interested:


Mutilate Yourself
Sensory Stimulation
Production of Endorphins
Reduce Dysphoria

Destruction of Tissue
Cutting The Skin
Pulling Out Hair

Breaking Bones
Damage Genitals
Gouging Eyes

Self Mutilation
Revel In Bloodshed
Self Mutilation
Suffocate The Hate
Self Mutilation
Love The Pain
Self Mutilation
Depression Arise

Obsessive Compulsive
Parasuicidal Behavior
Self Medication
Relief is Temporary

Lack Self Control
Addictive Like Nature
Sense of Power
I Can't Stop

Self Mutilation
Revel In Bloodshed
Self Mutilation
Suffocate The Hate
Self Mutilation
Love The Pain
Self Mutilation
Depression Arise

The Feast Begins
Peel Off Your Skin
Taste The Sins of Your Soul
Mental Anguish Erupts
Mutilation of Worthlessness
The Hate For Yourself So Vile

Self Mutilation
Revel In Bloodshed
Self Mutilation
Suffocate The Hate
Self Mutilation
Love The Pain
Self Mutilation
Depression Arise

Dark Secret
Shame and Guilt
Feel Inadequate
Revel The Pain

Wounds Infected
Permanent Scarring
Blood Flows
Followed By Tears

Scissors, Needles
Broken Glass
Whatever I Find

Feeling Alive
Dead Inside
Lost Control
I Need Help....Help.....Help.....Help.....Help.......Help
A few things that I would do differently:

Reduce the click from the kick drum, it sounds almost like a typewriter now, thus increasing the machine-like qualities of the drums. I'd add some ghost notes to the drums too, they don't sound too realistic.
I like the guitar/bass tone. Sounds like a giant vacuum cleaner killing everything (= good). Could use a little more upper mids ("sheen"), but otherwise it's a cool, distinctive sound.

If I were you I'd ditch the drum machine, get EZDrummer and maybe Reaper (if you need a decent DAW software) and start putting out much more realistic sounding drumtracks.

Songwritingwise it's too boring for me. My death metal roots lie in records like Deicide - Deicide, Death - Spritual Healing, Morgoth - The Eternal Fall and Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness and your song is a bit too simplistic. It starts with the vocal rhythm which is VERY repetitive. You stress the last word on the verses ALL the time, which gets a bit boring quickly. Also the riffing and drumming is very one-tempo. You go fast and a bit faster, but that's basically it. A breakdown, a halftime part or a little 1 bar stop would work wonders for a more interesting listening experience.

Hope this helps a bit?! :)
Salvation 13 said:
A few things that I would do differently:

Reduce the click from the kick drum, it sounds almost like a typewriter now, thus increasing the machine-like qualities of the drums. I'd add some ghost notes to the drums too, they don't sound too realistic.

What do you mean by ghost notes in regards to the drums? I do like the clicky sound of the kick drum but I will agree that it is a tab bit to loud. I am trying to get better at programming drums to make them more human like but it is going to take some work.

Sweetnothing said:
Agree on the typewriter kick, I would put the kick separately, and eq it till it's not that loud.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. I am looking it to the bass drum to see what I can do.

smy1 said:
I like the guitar/bass tone. Sounds like a giant vacuum cleaner killing everything (= good). Could use a little more upper mids ("sheen"), but otherwise it's a cool, distinctive sound.

If I were you I'd ditch the drum machine, get EZDrummer and maybe Reaper (if you need a decent DAW software) and start putting out much more realistic sounding drumtracks.

Songwritingwise it's too boring for me. My death metal roots lie in records like Deicide - Deicide, Death - Spritual Healing, Morgoth - The Eternal Fall and Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness and your song is a bit too simplistic. It starts with the vocal rhythm which is VERY repetitive. You stress the last word on the verses ALL the time, which gets a bit boring quickly. Also the riffing and drumming is very one-tempo. You go fast and a bit faster, but that's basically it. A breakdown, a halftime part or a little 1 bar stop would work wonders for a more interesting listening experience.

Hope this helps a bit?! :)

Glad you like the guitar/bass sound, that is what most people that have listened to it do like.

I do the best I can with the drum machine software I have. I am not a drummer by any means so I I am trying to get the drums to sound more human but that will take some time. I have looked into other programs as well but I am doing what I can.

I am right there with you on the death metal roots dude, I am 36 an got all the albums you listed when they came out and still listen to them more than any new music. I think if you listen to this song as just a song it might be to simplistic as you stated but in the context to an 8 song CD I think it will have its place. This is my 6th song and my other songs so have a good amount of break-downs and slower chungy parts but I wanted this song to be pretty straight forward. I think this song does have an old-school death metal feel to with but that is just me…LOL

I am also working on the way I do my vocals as again this is only my 6th song. If your interested in listen to any of my other songs check out my Soundclick like in my signature as all my songs are online there.

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and make comments, greatly appreicate!!!

Bloodsoaked666 said:
Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and make comments, greatly appreicate!!!


You are welcome! The good thing about EZDrummer ist that it sounds pretty convincing right out of the box. No programming necessary. Except for us engineer/producer types not many will notice that it is a drum machine.
hey man I like your stuff. I'm more of an atmospheric black metal fan but I still like it. I can't really add anything really that others havent said. I'm new to this myself. I like the guitar tones. Good to see someone else here using a vamp2. I have the same drum program you use and it is possible to get good sounding humanistic drums out of it. I would get different samples. There are plenty that have been posted here at these forums including Andy Sneaps'. As far as programming them goes, the more time you put into it, the better it gets. It takes a lot of tedious work to humanize them. Use samples with multiple samples for each hit. Like use 10 different snare samples, each the same snare put hit differently. A lot of the samples here including Andy Sneap's, have multiple hit for each sample. That is one way to humanize them besides throwing the hits off time slightly.