Rate this.. idea: a side-project with me and Gojira_

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So, I happened to read Gojira_'s thread on "I like Textures, so..." and was wanting to get into that kind of composition as well. PM'd him and it went from there. We needed something to separate us from the MILLION other bands doing the same thing (no offence to them, however, especially Bulb and Meshuggah, whom I both love), and we needed a vocalist.

Enter my sister..

Unfortunately this is not as 'djent' as we would like.. heavier stuff coming in the future, but for now, enjoy some light Djent with female vox. Comments on the mix are appreciated (and if anyone has a piccolo snare with more than one sample, pref multiple velocities that'd be awesome), but mostly on the style/idea.

Too much reverb on the vocals I know.


Gojira_ on the guitar and bass (pitched down guitar), myself on drum.. samples and the mix, my sister on vocals.
It's an interesting clip I got to admit. The vocal melodies are perhaps a bit too much over the top for me.Sound-wise it is great. Loving especially the guitar production!
OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS, Wow it's the greatest thing I've ever heard, please sell me your CD!!!!

... oops, I forgot to log in on my other login that I use to promote myself... haha, just kidding :)

I'd just like to add about the guitar, that the sound is far from djenty, but hopefully it's gonna get there soon. If I'm lucky, I'll be getting the string set today, that Jeff recommended for A#sus4 tuning, which should give more balls to the guitar and also help Morgoe's sister because it would fit her pitch better. But I badly need an active mic (EMG81?) pickup, since I guess a lot of the djent sound is helped to come out with an active mic.

Anyway, it's gonna be interesting to see what this project grows into. I'm getting slightly tired of spewing out song after song without any vocals, so this is really fun.
Needs some synths imo. I think that if you add some synths to it the vocals will blend better. The guitars are a bit harsh and too loud.

It will all come. This is just an early stage to test the work flow and to test her voice. When this thing gets rolling, we'll have thick layers of sounds in there, I think it could be quite awesome.

Did I/Morgoe mention she is only 15 years old?