Rate my first mix, and criticize me!!


New Metal Member
May 28, 2012
Okay, so I lied. It's not my FIRST mix. It's my first mix that doesn't sound like absolute garbage.


DAW: The crappy (but free) Garageband coming stock on Macs

Quad tracked guitars (100% R/L, then 70% R/L) with the good old LePou plugins/impulse. Guitarhack and Catharisis impulses. I have yet to do any major EQ-ing, which will become necessary when I add in Vocals or a lead guitar.

Ez drummer's Drumkit From Hell. Snare has a dual track, one completley dry, and the other with all the reverb and effects added to it. Basic EQ and compression on the other drum heads

Bass guitar was DI with a stock bass amp simulation, I doubled it and added some stock distortion and blended the two.

Blows the lid off of my other projects, but I am by no means done. NO REST FOR THE WICKED!