Rate this metal song!


Dec 4, 2009
Milwaukee, WI
Hey guys,
This is my first post. I've been a recording engineer and producer since last May. This is my latest mix, I did a quick master on it though.

Here's some info:
Drums: Programmed and Sampled.
Overheads + Room: EZDrummer DFH with my preset, Overhead Mix. EQ highpass at 430hz

Guitars: Gibson SG > Art Preamp > POD XT PRO > TASCAM US1641 > Sonic Maximizer > EQ highpass at 130hz or so ( i know.. a bit much)
Schecter > Art Preamp > POD XT PRO > TASCAM US1641> Sonic Maximizer > EQ highpass at 130hz or so

Bass: Schecter > Art Preamp > TASCAM US1641 > Ampeg SVX Model

Vocals: MXL 990 > Art Preamp > TASCAM US1641 > SSLEQ > SSLComp

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3310460/What Lies Ahead Better Master.mp3

Mastering Chain:

Waves Q10 Paragraphic EQ (restored some of that low end on the gtrs. boost at 120 hz, little boost a 900 hz, cut at 4117 hz or so)

> SSL Comp Stereo > Waves S1 Imager (to bring in some of the wideness on the gtrs) > Waves X-Noise (to reduce the extra noise, no coloration of the mix whatsoever) > G-Clip

Thanks guys, looking forward to hearing your thoughts. :)

the snare has a strange reverb that is cut of too sudden. not that obvios in the mix but really anying at the beginning & at breaks though.
the guitars don't sound that great but are ok.
vocals are too loud.
the overheads arent that great

that's my first thoughts...cheers
thanks for the input. the snare cut is because of that sample. it was worse and i had to make a snare tail cause whoever made that snare, cut off the tail at the end. it was my best sounding snare at the time. :/
the drums need to stand out more the guitars are too loud and a little wimpy IMO. Im not a fan of this genre particularly but it would be better if the drums werent so boxy and vocals were turned down a bit. otherwise great job!
I think the guitars sound good. Vocals are definitely too loud. If possible, I'd scratch the drums and go DFH all the way. I'm sure you can get a better sounding kit through DFH. I'd love to hear it with different drums!
i just cant get into the DFH drum sounds. :/

i think im gonna parallel compress a copy of the drums for more thickness, and definitely add more low end to the toms. they're too boxy.

i made this in 4 hours. haha