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The voice needs more compression and less "radio" effect, the guitars need more volume and less gain. Snare sounds a bit weak.

I love the kick.

Ok, I'll try some of that. Funny you should say that about the vocals. I have a 10:1 ratio on them and I'm really smashing them, and they still sound weak and wavering. I'll have to try something new there. I can't help the guitar gain though since he didn't send me a DI.
sorry if this is a dumb question but how do you upload a file to share with people like that? thanks
are you using an amp simulator ?
sounds great

To be honest, I'm not sure how the guitars were recorded. I got the files as you hear them now (except for drums which had to be replaced) and I didn't bother to ask if they were amp sims or mic'd. Since they self-recorded this I would bet on them being amp sims.

Since the first post the band wanted some changes so this is where it ended up for the final mix.

ahaha hold up
are you using a super shifter or whatever its called by Boss on that harmony solo?
the pedal that has the 5 different options for effects?
i can tell your either using that or something that i havnt seen or heard of yet that sounds exactly like that pedal :p

maybe you should have done the solo harmonies naturally
thats my input
but great sounding stuff nonetheless
ahaha hold up
are you using a super shifter or whatever its called by Boss on that harmony solo?
the pedal that has the 5 different options for effects?
i can tell your either using that or something that i havnt seen or heard of yet that sounds exactly like that pedal :p

maybe you should have done the solo harmonies naturally
thats my input
but great sounding stuff nonetheless

Yeah I would have pushed for natural harmonies too had I tracked this, but that's the way the solo was bounced down when they sent me the tracks. But to answer your question, I do believe it is something like that boss pedal or the digitech whammy they recorded it through to get those harmonies.