Don't remember that song, although I generally avoid their post-Burnt Offerings material. Pretty solid thrashy stuffs, and I applaud them for realizing that a straight-up metal song can easily make its point in under three minutes. 6.5/10.

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Erm...it translates to some kind of sewage machine. Stiny Plamenu is a pretty weird band. Their entire lyrical concept revolves around a mythology that the band created involving various characters that live in the sewers, and the lyrics basically chronicle the various events in this mythological history. Of course those who align with the Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses are killed by the other ones. It sounds pretty damn silly (I know Onder, who actually knows the language, has a hard time taking it seriously), but I think, despite the absurdity of the story arc, it's still pretty interesting from what I can gather from it.

I'm not much of a fan of Iced Earth, especially later material, but that song is relatively short and sweet. I guess I can give it a generous 6/10.

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10/10 :kickass: Never listened to them before.

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9/10. Very misleading album cover. I thought it would be some grindcore shit, while it's in fact some excellent doom metal.

Speaking of excellent doom metal...

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8/10, I should really listen to more Judas Priest, quite liked that.

an instrumental piece from an album that I'm loving more and more with every spin.
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Wow, is that glam/sleaze I see on this thread? You have instantly grown in my eyes :lol:
Crashdiet is fun,I like some Reckless Love, Vains of Jenna and Mama Kin too (in case you haven't heard of them yet, check them out) 8.5/10

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