9/10 I just saw these guys live, and they totally took away the show. Been meaning to listen to Melechesh more lately.

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Pretty decent on every level, vocals could be a little more interesting though. 8,5/10

Crashdiet is fun,I like some Reckless Love, Vains of Jenna and Mama Kin too (in case you haven't heard of them yet, check them out) 8.5/10

Reckless love is great. I kept away from VOJ pretty long because of the awful name, but when I eventually chacked them out, they turned out pretty good. Not the biggest fan of the vocals though. I had never heard of Mama Kin either and just checked them out, and they were great, thanks!
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Great! Vocals could have been more "powerful", but very decent anyway. 9/10

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Haven't listened to Vomitory before, but from that cover and the title I was expecting some terrible goregrind. Hey it's actually death metal... nice 7/10

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Oh man. This brings me back to the MTV days.

7/10 for that alone.

I already have a feeling this won't be well liked, but I get quite a kick out of this band and their down-to-earth approach to the whole pagan/viking metal schtick.
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7/10 Pretty interesting. Like the overall sound of it.

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3/10 i honestly have no clue what to think of that. im pretty open to different styles of music, especially metal, but that was weird. like an electronic, slow pathetic rap, and sort of metal.

speaking of new metal, give these guys a shot.

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I'd rather listen to Meshuggah. 4/10
