Let me put it this way, the vocals were quite awful, the riffs were boring/bad, the solos were so bad that they were funny and the production was mediocre.

Arsis 8/10 use to listen to them on the regular, I've drifted away from "melo-death" type stuff though, still listen to it sometimes.

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^it was ok. 6/10
Is this suppose to be "djent"? The only bands that do the style well IMO are Textures, Meshuggah, Periphery and Tesseract. This just sounds like a less groovy Periphery. The vocalist has a great range though. 7/10

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Nice job listening to not even beyond 30 seconds of that song - and you claim to be open minded HAH


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Nice job listening to not even beyond 30 seconds of that song - and you claim to be open minded HAH
So what, not liking a certain genre makes me close minded? When I have I ever even claimed of being open minded? I listen to what I want/like, that's all there is to it. I listen to many styles from post-rock to brutal death metal, some people consider that "open minded", I also will usually listen to any recommendation directed towards me regardless of style, if I don't like it who cares?
god I fucking hate that kind of metal. Urgh. People who don't know anything about metal like that shit. homosex/10

You mean people that aren't close minded fucks?

You made the implication that because he didn't like whatever shoddy tech/brutal DM garbage you posted that he was closed minded for it...

So by your logic, yes, you are closed minded.
7.5/10, really need to listen to more Death SS. I liked the intro a lot more than the speed metal stuff that followed, but it was all good.

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Needs less breakdowns. But in honesty, it's not my style but I do like how intricately tied in everything is. The strings are seamless. Again, vocals not my style, I do like how it feels real. Something that metal too often lacks. 7/10.

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