Always nice hearing old school style but that got real repetitive for me, real fast. 3/10

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I'm enjoying everything about that. The sound and chunky riffage on its own could make a great straight-forward death metal song, but some of the guitarwork is actually interesting for the style, and when the long doom bridge comes in it works perfectly. Will definitely look into them further. I'm seeing comparisons to Asphyx online but I liked that more than any Asphyx song I've heard. 8.5/10.

Forgive the video image. Just so you know, the actual song is only ~4 minutes long. Only the truest of falsetto warriors may entry.
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Well composed thematics but it sounds like something that would be clipped for a movie and not something that would get listened to on its own merit. 5/10

In any case, I hate Bush, but I fucking love this band.
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Because I skip through it at various parts, if I like a part then I'll go back and listen to the whole thing through. You didn't rate my post, btw. Boo.
Because I skip through it at various parts, if I like a part then I'll go back and listen to the whole thing through. You didn't rate my post, btw. Boo.

What are you, like 12?

Just for you 0/10 I actually listened to the whole thing.

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4/10 Because it is something that would get performed on Broadway, and chicks in peasant outfits with pinched waists and dudes in velvet suits would be doing strange leaping dances during the Malmsteen-esque solos, including backflips and couples dancing. Kind of sounds like what would start playing as an inner monologue, in its entireity, if a metal head received some exorbitantly good news. The 4 is for the fact that I can't deny the musicality of it. I also cannot deny Nazgul. /bouncing peasant tits

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4/10 Because it is something that would get performed on Broadway, and chicks in peasant outfits with pinched waists and dudes in velvet suits would be doing strange leaping dances during the Malmsteen-esque solos, including backflips and couples dancing. Kind of sounds like what would start playing as an inner monologue, in its entireity, if a metal head received some exorbitantly good news. The 4 is for the fact that I can't deny the musicality of it. I also cannot deny Nazgul. /bouncing peasant tits

So you're basically admitting to a complete lack of understanding or appreciation when it comes to classical music - how appropriate that you already mentioned the word "peasant", hahaha.

As much as I'd like to return the poor rating to you, that song is actually pretty decent, really fast and intense, with a nice touch of female vocals too, even though at times the drums sound like the broken fence at my old place when the wind used to blow really hard. I guess a 7/10.

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