And yet Junius is pretentious hipster garbage, 3/10 wtf that was such shit

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0/10 a poor attempt at being creative and original, just ended up being a pile of shit

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You left a '1' off the front of your score.

2/10. If he replaced the constant buzz of static with some actual riffs it would be better.

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And yet Junius is pretentious hipster garbage, 3/10 wtf that was such shit

lol, you really think Tomahawk is hipster music? Or are you just butthurt because I think Junius is shit? I have nothing against post-punk but they sound like something I'd hear in a Gossip Girl montage.

8/10 for Vio-lence, classic album

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No my girlfriend does, I hear/see it while I'm walking past the lounge shaking my head in disbelief that she watches such utter tripe.

I feel your pain. My last girlfriend made me listen to Emmure on a daily basis and said Slayer was the worst band she had ever heard, I dumped her shortly after that.
My girlfriend loves metal and we share the same tastes in most things but she also likes watching trash tv if it features clothes/fashion and/or NYC.
For Veloci's song:

7.5/10... wasn't expecting to like it, but once it got going... pretty awesome. Reminded me of Immortal a bit with the blackened thrash feel. (good thing)

I know this isn't a metal song, but this band is somewhat popular around these parts (at least there was a thread on them in RC) and I KNOW the atmosphere will appeal to metal heads:

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lol, you really think Tomahawk is hipster music? Or are you just butthurt because I think Junius is shit? I have nothing against post-punk but they sound like something I'd hear in a Gossip Girl montage.

In that hipsters like random ass experimental acts with no substance, perhaps it could be called that. The fact that it is Mike Patton doesn't change anything. Perhaps you simply got the wrong song to represent the band I guess, they're not all lovey songs such as that.


Woven Hand rules. 9/10

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