Where did I say the song lyrics in that Aerosmith song were imaginative? Or where did I say commercial=good? Cool assumptions bro.

Earlier in the thread you said you like Aerosmith and they are indeed commercial as hell. End of discussion here. With regard to what Educated Opinion said, commercial music is made for the sake of money and not art, the record company executives fit out each member of commercial bands with special artistic-expression-choke-chains to avoid any chance of them wandering of the simple, lukewarm mindless repetition that constitutes money-making pop music. How could commercial music be good? :Spin:
Funny how you call Aerosmith commercial, yet you listen to bands like Children of Bodom and Slipknot which ooze of commercialism.
these lyrics are so amazing and deep


Great song, one of my favorites by Rhapsody, and if you had half an ounce of imagination you'd be able to understand how they add to the epic nature of a song that isn't (shocking to those devoid of imaginative thought, I'm sure) actually about this rotting shit-hole that we call the real world. Unless you're either deluded, small-minded, or sub-par mentally, you should be able to see how screwed up the "real" world is and at least be able to understand how some people want to write songs that aren't mired in grim reality. Do you really lack the mental capacity to understand this? :rolleyes:
You sound like that 13 year old kid with no friends who was bullied, so instead you play WoW all day to make up for your shit life.
Funny how you call Aerosmith commercial, yet you listen to bands like Children of Bodom and Slipknot which ooze of commercialism.

I only like early Slipknot before they went commercial, the first two albums are raw, unbridled and unique forms of artistic in metal, mixing in different elements brilliantly without sounding commercial or lightweight at all, a breath of fresh air when most bands these days just sound like clones of others. Their albums after that were horrifically bad though.
LOL at referring to C.O.B. as commercial, you'd never hear their songs on a commercial non-metal radio station or anything like that.:lol:
You sound like that 13 year old kid with no friends who was bullied, so instead you play WoW all day to make up for your shit life.

When someone can only resort to personal insults in a forum discussion, it shows that they are utterly defeated in the realm of debate and logical reasoning. Are you doing introspective psychology in this post, perhaps? :lol:
I think it says something when every single person here disagrees with you. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass for once you'd realize you're an idiot. I doubt it'll happen though. Kids these days are so dumb.
When someone can only resort to personal insults in a forum discussion, it shows that they are utterly defeated in the realm of debate and logical reasoning. Are you doing introspective psychology in this post, perhaps? :lol:

you seriously come off as someone who heard that in one of your college classes from a proffessor and repeated it back in your own words
they sell t-shirts at hot topic, they're one of the most commercial metal bands right now.

Are you serious? Hahaha, selling T-shirts doesn't make a band commercial, but making weak, simple and cliched songs that get played on the radio just after a Britney Spears song makes a band commercial (something that I once heard happen to one of the new Slipknot songs). :lol:
selling t-shirts doesn't make a band commercial, but when they're sold at a store such as hot topic, it does make them commercial as far as metal goes.

You listen to commercial metal, deal with it.
You come off as someone who doesn't believe that metal-heads are capable of using big words :lol:

you come off as someone who thinks they need to use "big words" to sound intelligent to justify their arguments

and btw putting :lol: at the end of every post is starting to get old
selling t-shirts doesn't make a band commercial, but when they're sold at a store such as hot topic, it does make them commercial as far as metal goes.

You listen to commercial metal, deal with it.

Firstly, I don't know what your blessed "hot topic" store is, and secondly, it doesn't matter anyway because I judge whether a band is commercial on the way they sound (weak, simple, cliched, music that ends up on commercial radio stations = commercial, the exact opposite = non-commercial), not on the manner in which they sell they sell their merchandise :lol:

Commercial metal is stuff like Limp Bizkit, although its easy to see that Children Of Bodom are light years from them in just about every way possible.
you come off as someone who thinks they need to use "big words" to sound intelligent to justify their arguments

and btw putting :lol: at the end of every post is starting to get old

Oh yeah it would be muuuuuuch better to use small simple words and phrases and come off sounding like a simplistic fool, right? :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes:
.......anyways where were we?
8/10 for the band I posted just for the fuck of it

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