I knew about them only recently, and I'll have to say that they deserve their "hype" pretty well, for bringing brutal death metal to audiences that may not appreciate the genre. Though 0,6 K listens on last.fm is hardly what I call hype.

They wear off pretty quick, tbh.
I didn't like them when I first heard them, but I definitely like that song now. The main verses sound a little derivative of Helstar, but as a whole that was quite good. Need to give the whole album another shot. 7.5/10.

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4/10. Its not all bad, just not in the mood for it...

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Haven't heard any of their studio work so I'm not entirely sure what's going on there. Sounds like shiny epic stuffs, and I thought they were supposed to be black metal. I like the vocals a lot, and the crowd's chanting works well with the music. Probably should give them a shot if the rest of this album is in this vein and not "Celtic/Folk/Black Metal". 7/10.

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Another British doom band, just plain boring. Props for pretty good lyrics. 4/10

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Music was fine but the vocals not my cup of tea.... 2/10

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2.5/10 - Sounding like a particularly appalling garage produced late Bathory covers band.

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