Raw, dirty band! (Real cabs inside)


Nov 1, 2009
So this was my first time ever micing up a real cab, and I'm really happy with the tone.

I think it fits the band perfectly.
I'm not quite sold on the drums yet, but whatever. Haha.

There is no bass in this track yet, but I'll update it when there is.

This band wanted a very raw, unedited, live sound. No click track, no punch ins. He wanted tons of feedback and weird noises in his guitar performance.

And he wanted those clean tones as shitty as possible. I think we accomplished it. :)

Let me know your thoughts on this track. I think once the bass gets in there it's going to be so fucking thick and delicious.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2798302/WEDNESDAY WITH REDA/JOSE_VS_HIGHSCHOOL.mp3

**WITH BASS (after tracking):

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2798302/WEDNESDAY WITH REDA/JOSE_VS_HIGHSCHOOL_BASS.mp3

**BASS (after mixing):

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2798302/WEDNESDAY WITH REDA/JOSE_VS_HIGHSCHOOL_BASS_LOWER.mp3


Btw, there is nothing on the master bus except a limiter to keep the peaks down.
I like where this is going you just gotta dirty up those drums a bit more... More so that snare... A little bit too clean and polished sounding for the vibe the guitars are giving off... Overheads have a cool dark vibe... Nice job though soo far man... Stick with it
I think the guitars could use some more top end... kinda stuffy, muffled sounding... I'm guessing the guitars are out of tune because that's the "sound" they're going for, yeah?

jesus christ the band is horrible :puke: drummer can't keep time for shit
Not a bad job on your part at all for a first time micing up a cab. Guitars could use a bit more high-end as mentioned. The clean guitar sounds like their might be some clipping going on. Are those Slate samples? Don't think they really fit this style. Also find the hihats jumping out in volume and high frequencies making them uncomfortable. There are some godawful tuning issues with the guitars and of course timing is all over the place on drums.

I hate when bands want to sound like shit, it makes people think that you the producer/mixer are the one that did a shitty job. I personally found that as an insult to music, but to each their own of course.
I rendered this mix with the bass WAY up. We had just got done tracking and I forgot to turn it back down. :p

Other than that, can anyone offer some advice on how to dirty up the snare a bit?

It sounds too clean.
Can you distort a snare and make it sound good? :/


Could someone accurately tell me what RMS this?
The only thing on my master bus is a limiter with a ceiling of -0.1
Without bass: -11
With bass: -9
It's also hitting the red.

You should be able to add a little grit to the snare with some overdrive. I'd try a tube saturation plugin. Did you sample the kit or are you just using Slate? It may simply be that a more raw snare is needed instead of using something as polished as Slate.
Now its at around -10

Sounds a lot better. Seems like there's some dirt on the bass now and I like it. Maybe lower it a bit more, I'm not sure but it seems to be sitting above the guitars.

To me, it seems like the snare should have more low-end punch. Maybe mix a different snare sample in to keep the cut, but get more punch.

Will there be vox?
Now its at around -10

Sounds a lot better. Seems like there's some dirt on the bass now and I like it. Maybe lower it a bit more, I'm not sure but it seems to be sitting above the guitars.

To me, it seems like the snare should have more low-end punch. Maybe mix a different snare sample in to keep the cut, but get more punch.

Will there be vox?

Yep, there's going to be vocals.
They've tracked 4 songs so far.

The drums are done for all 4, and the guitars are done for all 4.
We gotta get the bass in 1 last song, and then it'll be on to vocals.

There's definitely a LOT of dirt on the bass. Haha.
I've basically got the bass split into 2 tracks.
One for hi-end grit, and one for sub lows and lowend punch.

I've already got 2 snare samples mixed with a huge boost at 200Hz.
I guess another one couldn't hurt! :kickass::kickass::kickass:

Thanks for all the advice. Keep it coming!
i did just say its perfect, did i not? :)
i like me some filth

Thanks man. I know you do. You'll have to check out some of their other songs.
I asked the guitarist, and he'd never heard of this but..
Some of their other stuff is very drone-influenced in sections.

It's sweet.