I'm still giving Àmr some spins, but I don't really "get" it yet. I fucking love Arktis. and it is probably my favoUrite new album of the past several years.
The new Sleep was pretty awesome. Worth the wait for a worthy followup to their legacy.
Latest album from On Thorns I Lay just arrived today, will listen later. I don't know anything of theirs beyond the early shit.
I fell in love with Dark Tranquillity once again with Atoma. No new strides or anything, just damn enjoyable.
Pure from In The Woods... is pretty god damned good. I guess that came out in 2016. They have a new one I haven't heard yet, shall rectify that soon.
I got really into Amorphis last year, I thought "it's time to give Elegy another shot" and quickly bought like 8 more of their albums.
Enslaved always put out a solid album. Since the dissolve of Agalloch this is the only band I buy new albums from within days of being released.
Pillorian rules! I wish I could say the same for Khôrada but man, that dude's voice bugs me. I'll keep on keepin' on though as I <3 all those other dudes.
The latest Empyrium releases are fucking GOOD. I just picked up The Mill and it has blown my fragile little mind possibly more than The Turn of the Tides.
I also picked up a bunch of black metal from the Middle East over the last several years, much of it was Darkthrone worship, but I found a few standouts. Seeds of Iblis has an album called Anti Quran Rituals that is relatively solid, and Jilwah by Dhul-Qarnayn is a band name I can never remember, but the album is fun. 27 minute songs FTW.
I listen to Triptykon more than I do Celtic Frost. That makes me a true victim of modernity, but it smells good, so fuckit. I wish every band understood huge bass sound like Thomas Gabriel Fischer.
Otherwise, most of the albums I buy were released in 1995 or so. That's kind of been my jam since about.............1995 or so.
EDIT: Fuck everything I wrote earlier and listen to Acid Witch - Evil Sound Screamers. The best fucking
thing since I first touched boobies.