RC lauded acts with under the radar recent releases

Really was unimpressed with that AntlerWhore album. The comparison to Agalloch is tenuous at best.

W.A.I.L "Wisdom Through Agony Into Illumination and Lunacy Vol.II" on the other hand is kicking my face in.
I thought Pure was great, and Cease the Day almost as good.

Neither can touch the early stuff, but I'll take both over Strange in Stereo.
Ye trolling bruh? SiS fucking rules!

This latest one was mildly enjoyable for some background tuneage to my tri tip roasting, but completely forgettable.

@Krilons Resa, Yea youre in the lead for sure. Gave that No Means No album a shot, not my jam, definitely something that nad would adore. Adrian, give it a spin. I was about to pull the plug about 20 mins in, but it drug me back in with some catchy off the wall choruses and zany lyrics. Still not something Id be into for too many spins. Too much of a "punky" vibe for me. I hate punks since half a dozen of em chased me in High School after I dismissed them as turds. Buddy gave em some crank call tape I recorded. These turds loved it and wanted to befriend me. No thanks sissies.
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Ye trolling bruh? SiS fucking rules!
this guy knows whats up

strange in stereo is what it says on the tin -- strange, and also indeed in stereo -- but "closing in"? "generally more worried than married"? fuhgeddaboutit!

i've barely heard a note of the new itw albums because i'm still actually kind of offended that they exist. big nope. getting game of thrones s08 vibes. i learned my lesson, i don't want to ruin the early stuff by even listening.
Yea dont bother. Theyre rather inoffensive, but its a Great Leap Backward from their former glory. They shouldve issued these under a different moniker tbh.

This is akin to fucking a fat chick with a pretty face when a super model is spread wide eagle on the bed next to her. Why stick your dick In slop? These albums, while inoffensive, are sloppy, and off putting to the ITW experience as a whole. If I want to listem to an ITW derivative there's always Drawn. Hell i'd throw on some Green Carnation to be in the same ballpark. This is middle aged metal for senior citizens.

Growls weaker than a kitten after a booster shot. Hard Pass.
Don't get me wrong, I like Strange in Stereo, a lot even. I just really like the new stuff.

I totally get what y'all mean though, I typically feel as ye both for "reunion" garbage, and bypass it accordingly. But new era In the Woods... just honestly speaks to me, for whatever reason.

None of this stuff can even remotely touch HEart of the Ages or Omnio of course. I don't even need to state that, methinks, but I did anyhow. EDIT: looks like I said as much last night as well, how 'bout that.
@Krilons Resa, Yea youre in the lead for sure. Gave that No Means No album a shot, not my jam, definitely something that nad would adore. Adrian, give it a spin. I was about to pull the plug about 20 mins in, but it drug me back in with some catchy off the wall choruses and zany lyrics. Still not something Id be into for too many spins. Too much of a "punky" vibe for me. I hate punks since half a dozen of em chased me in High School after I dismissed them as turds. Buddy gave em some crank call tape I recorded. These turds loved it and wanted to befriend me. No thanks sissies.
Didn’t address this! One song was enough for me, ha.

I loathe punk outside of very, very specific instance. Even stuff like Jesus Lizard I spin about once every 7 years and that scratches the itch.
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SiS is pretty good, but also has too much noisescape shit like that 3x7 pilgrimage compilation.

that being said, i like both.
well its from 2017 so its still brand new... haven't given it that many chances but i have not been convinced by what i've heard

"souvlaki" is where is really at

and the early eps
It's ok, but isn't all that varied. One track in particular is rehashed to the point that it would make Bill Murray blush.

I too would rather pull out my copy of Souvlaki if I were in the mood. Which isn't all too oft.
Dirge has been flying low under the radars for nigh on a quarter century. As a parting gift, they provide a triple CD of rare and unreleased material, plus two extended live tracks from 2005. A finely packaged testimony from this great band.

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