RC tattoo thread

I have none and can't think of what I'd want but I'm up for one if I can ever decide on something I think I'd like. I have a rule about them though. If I ever think I want one, I wait a few years to see if I still want it. So far, that's saved me from some regret.
On the verge of my 4th/6th. My left shoulder has been done twice; once with Chinese letters (before everyone on the planet got them) to commemorate the loss of a great friend and a second time to add to the original design. I'm going on Tuesday to have the tattoo on my right shoulder covered. I got it before I knew much about tattooing and was unlucky enough to end up with a shit artist. Unfortunately, the original design has a large quantity of condensed black ink, so my cover-up options are limited. The guy doing the piece on Tuesday is the fourth artist I've had draw me a cover-up and it looks really good. Unfortunately, it's going come low enough on my arm that short sleeve polos at work will be a thing of the past. I'll post before and after pictures on Wednesday.

My miss's is messing round with one for me going to be on my back.She actually works at a tattoo place and has just started doing some tat's. The design she's working on is probably a bit large for my first one so i may get something else before hand i don't approve of picking something off a wall, I want all my tats to be mine and have some sort of meaning to me.
Claws of Perdition said:
My miss's is messing round with one for me going to be on my back.She actually works at a tattoo place and has just started doing some tat's. The design she's working on is probably a bit large for my first one so i may get something else before hand i don't approve of picking something off a wall, I want all my tats to be mine and have some sort of meaning to me.

Get a dragon tattoo'd on your face. Metal as fuck.
i always wanted to get a tattoo of my dick on my dick ... but bigger [/unknownsource]

Iceland, April 2006
I have HEAVY METAL tattooed on my arms and it's more interesting to let other people come up with what it is supposed to represent and shit blahblahblaha i'm drunk as well for the first time in a long time.

Oh and I hav ea treble cleff on my calf that i got in amsterdam when i was 17 that is wicked wicked gay.
swizzlenuts said:
Tatoos = fucking gay
No, you = gay.

Being that I just turned 18 a couple of months ago, I've been thinking about getting a tattoo, but don't want to spend the money and am also a little unsure about it.
Know exactly what I'll get but it'll be expensive and I haven't been able to afford it for years and won't for at least another while

edit // fotmbm dammit someone should invent the auto-loginer
I love the concept of tattoos, but I don't believe in purchasing artwork that is awkward/impossible to enjoy on my own. I'd rather buy a painting...

Maybe if I could get somebody else tatooed and then stuffed and mounted for my enjoyment...
