RC tattoo thread

Need more pics in this thread! I'm not a big fan of them myself, but I'm intrigued to see what everyone else has had drawn onto their body.
the trouble is, they're kind of addictive.

like any art, they can be terrific, or complete rubbish, like the fat woman I once told you guys I saw with "Lick my Pussy" on her upper arm :lol:

/\or maybe that was just her mission statement.

whoever said above, yeah, I don't want a direct copy from anyone. I might consider a theme or something inspired by something else, but no copying.
Doom said:
Need more pics in this thread!
I've posted this before. Here is the tattoo I got when I was in Mexico in February. I had spoken with the artist the year before when I was there and really wanted him to do a piece for me:


i have a tattoo on my upper back, i know i posted a pic when i got it but it (the post) has since disappeared evidently

also am planning on getting one when i get back to the states, i know exactly what i want....hopefully won't be too expensive
I want a tattoo of a butt, on my butt.

While I've seen a lot of great tats, shit just isn't for me. I can't even keep the same facial hair for more than a few weeks without getting bored with it.
NADatar said:
I want a tattoo of a butt, on my butt.

While I've seen a lot of great tats, shit just isn't for me. I can't even keep the same facial hair for more than a few weeks without getting bored with it.
i know dudes that have a lot of tats and they all have at least one or two that are like "yea that one's stupid"...at that point you're just turning your body into a sketch pad

not that i object really, none of my business, but i can't share the mentality that's for sure
spaffe said:
Wtf, is that a real one? That's more or less exactly what I've been considering for some time now, only I'd make an odal rune and on my wrist

Yes it's real! Got that sucker in Iceland from this awesome guy:


It was fresh in that picture, so obviously it has faded into my skin a bit. It looks great now... I will post a recent picture as soon as I can find my camera.
MFJ said:

"Hey... hey... there's a broad right there!! Hey you dingbat, yeah, I want a pitcher of beer, fried jalepaneos, nachos grande, and uhhh, let's start out with 50 wings.

oh man, you hear what I ordered? I'm gonna be farting blood over here!"
MFJ said:

Iceland, April 2006

What is that on your floor??

By the way, I like it... I love hand/wrist tattoos, and the rune is a little different from what I've seen before. What does that rune in particular mean?
here's a picture...it's exceedingly difficult to take a picture of your own back, even with a self-timer on the camera

seems like i got a little burn on the neck walking on the beach today

plus exclusive bonus photo of me at a gay club!

edit: no comments on the appropriateness of wearing an opeth shirt in a gay bar :loco:

i sort of realized just now that whenever i read one of zod's posts i look at the avatar and imagine it's actually him