RC = the place where Neverboard exiles go

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
Seriously, wtf mate!

Me (unless you are dumB you knoW who Dick Sirloin is)
Markgugs (although he sort of pissed off people... I mean... posted on many boards)
MajestikMoose (Nico)
Marksveld (or whatever he calls himself now)
ct thrash
Random Beard (although I remember him more as NoLordy)
Demonspell (I think...)


*whatever happened to Guerilla? that dude was pretty funny... and does anyone remember Rusted In Peace 50??? (if you do, then :lol: )
ct thrash
Random Beard (although I remember him more as NoLordy)

They're still on that board.
I'd give my left nut to find some of those 3.5 year old threads... :lol:
Maybe I'll look in a bit.
yeah, lots of opeth people.

i'm from GMD and SOT (ummm, i guess it was just called Chat/Off-topic back then, when it was still in the Opeth forum). well, and Hypocrisy is the reason i discovered UM.com in the first place.
neal said:
yeh RIP50 was pretty fuckin funny. and dumb. and annoying.

Yeah, but he was great a pissing people off. Remember the CC board thing with Ledmag, me and him?!? That was some of the funniest shit IN MESSAGE BOARD HISTORY.
I was MethodicalWasteManagement on the Neverboard for, well, no fucking clue. (started in Oct 03 and came here with a new handle around early-mid 05?) and yeah

"*whatever happened to Guerilla? that dude was pretty funny... and does anyone remember Rusted In Peace 50??? (if you do, then :lol: )"

:lol: Guerilla ruled.
Dick Sirloin said:
Yeah, but he was great a pissing people off. Remember the CC board thing with Ledmag, me and him?!? That was some of the funniest shit IN MESSAGE BOARD HISTORY.

lol, I remember that. ledmag used to think he was "leading" you fools around to "invade" other forums like it was a wrestling promotion storyline.

:tickled: x 1 bajillion
markgugs said:
lol, I remember that. ledmag used to think he was "leading" you fools around to "invade" other forums like it was a wrestling promotion storyline.

:tickled: x 1 bajillion

Hahaha, not like you wouldn't do the same! :lol: :lol:

Shit, e-bortion is MethodicalWasteManagement?!? I remember you...

I forgot Pyrus on my list.
Yeah, Moose and I went through around 40 pages of old neverboard within the span of a night a month or two back, good shit but I'm not about to dig it back up. I was a faghat.