RC Travel Thread

okay, over the months we've been treated to pics of Sweden, pics of CT's boobages, pics of Acadia, Maine, Mount Washington, New Hampshire, Snow2Fall's ski trip, and Marksveld is going to take pics of his boulder in Connecticut.

What are the coolest places you've ever visited? If you were to recommend a destination to the rest of us, where would it be?

Probably for me, it would be a toss-up between the Alps down in Bavaria and into Austria, and the Rocky Mountains here in the USA/Canada, which are every bit as magnificent.

goddam this pic rules:



no, not a MajestikMoose, but a Majestik Elk!!

The sheer desolation of about 90% of the land is unreal. If you're into that thing, it's a beautiful country, but for me to see nothing but flat, dry country for 3 straight days was mentally exhausting. It's so... post apocalyptic.
Australia is fucking beautiful, I'd love to go back someday :)

My last holiday in America was grand as well, we did Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and a wee bit of Colorado (cos you've got the Four Corners spot so I took a few steps in there :saint: ). A lot of amazing sights, have to wait til I get to the pub before I start regaling stories :p first thing I remembered though: Carlsbad Caverns. Everyone must see them at least once.
The most awe-inspiring place I've been would probably have to be the Sierras, followed by the the forest in the mountains about an hour's drive away from where I live, both during winter. I'm not well-travelled at all, but those places are nothing to shake a stick at.
Same here, after a good rain the mountains are covered in snow and they're orgasmic, unfortunately a bunch of telephone wires would still ruin the pictures.
Ahhh...the kehlsteinhaus, or as its often referred to as Hitler's Eagles' Nest above Berchtesgaden.

some people refer to it as Hitler's tea house but the teehaus was in actuality down in the Obersalzberg complex. My dad found a description of where its ruins were located and we traipsed across the former SS compound and through a few holes of a golf course. there was nothing really left except bricks.
lizard said:
Ahhh...the kehlsteinhaus, or as its often referred to as Hitler's Eagles' Nest above Berchtesgaden.

My old Royal Carnage "About Me" pic featured yours truly in an Iced Earth shirt with the kehlsteinhaus in the background. :)

That place and Hawaii are truly a toss up for the most awe-insipringly beautiful places I've ever seen.
That Hitler house was featured in the last episode of "Band of Brothers". Anyone see that? It was one of the last places they raided at the end of the war. Not sure if this was just in the show, but they mentioned that it had a gold elevator.

Yeah, I agree Hawaii is beautiful -- and I've only been to Honolulu! I can't imagine how stunning Maui or the other islands are, but I can vouch for Fiji being the most stunning place on the planet (that I've seen). And when I mean Fiji, I'm talking about it's "Blue Lagoon".

Egypt was stunning - valley of the kings, Mt Sinai, and Dhahab respectively.

And of course, the great barrier reef in Australia.....there is nothing on this planet remotely like it. When you're down in the reef, it's like you're on another planet.
lizard said:
What are the coolest places you've ever visited? If you were to recommend a destination to the rest of us, where would it be?
New Zealand. Best time of my life ever.

Lizard, I got your hint, so here you go... (Sorry for the size, can't be arsed to resize the pics.)


sunset at Lake Tekapo (nope, the colours have not been edited, pics were all taken with an analog camera obviously)


Kaikoura (where I went whalewatching)


mighty magnificent Milford Sound


mighty magnificent Milford Sound again


Lake Wakatipu


coastline near Christchurch


Milford Track