RC Travel Thread


Personally, I must say that the greatest place I have ever been to is San Gimignano in Italy. I'll let this picture speak for me-

JayKeeley said:
Yeah, I agree Hawaii is beautiful -- and I've only been to Honolulu! I can't imagine how stunning Maui or the other islands are

Kauai wins hands down, with Maui and the Big Island right behind it. I've been to places there that are so stunningly beautiful, it's almost impossible not to get choked up and lose the ability to speak. If you're ever planning on vacationing there, let me know, I've been there 5 times now and can recommend some awesome adventures (I'm always looking for a good excuse to get back there too, heh)

JayKeeley said:
but I can vouch for Fiji being the most stunning place on the planet (that I've seen). And when I mean Fiji, I'm talking about it's "Blue Lagoon".

Man, I definitely need to see the rest of the South Pacific islands as well. Fiji, and especially Bora, Bora as part of the Tahitian island chain. I just can't seem to ever get past Hawaii!

JayKeeley said:
Egypt was stunning - valley of the kings, Mt Sinai, and Dhahab respectively.

This would indeed be killer as well.
It is a FACT that Butt Light and Coors Light actually hydrate and sober you up. At the end of a night of drinking, I reach for a Powerade or one of said piss beers. Seriously, it's weird.

Death Valley rules because it's well below freezing in the winter but almost 130ºF during the summer. It's like when Homer is in the shower and Bart makes it hot, cold, hot, cold, etc. and plays Beethoven's 5th! :kickass:
I don't think I can be anywhere without mountains. Mountains are literally everywhere out here, going to the midwest (or even central California) is fucking weird with all the flatness. They are so commonplace that I don't even think "oh hey, there's a mountain." Gonna walk outside, and count the hills I see with my 180º view from the porch. Zero, too much smog today. :loco:
lizard said:
she was in the southern hemisphere and it affected her sense of balance.

lolz x982735098

If you guys want truely awe inspiring, boner inducing, sites, GET CERTIFIED. Its one of the best choices you can make. Im going out for my master diver certification soon so i can teach/charter and stuff.

Being underwater > most.


Literally flying over miles of abyss at times. Truly can boggle your mind. (And in some cases with some people, really does fuck their mind and they freak out. People that are afraid of hights freak the FUCK out when they swim past the edge of the reef and stair down into total blackness, or even stare down to see the ocean floor a 150 feet below them. Its like jumping off the edge of a skyscraper.)


and then there is cave diving. I havn't got to do it yet, but it is probobly one of the most amazing things ever.






