Re. Emotional support for Biff (New Thread)


Jan 9, 2003
West Sussex
Visit site
Now I don't wish to dampen anyone's enthusiasm to help Biff and family, I commend it.

But I feel personally IMHO we are somewhat over complicating things, some of the things suggested recently include:

1/ Cards (Be it from a shop or an E-Card)
2/ A remeberance type book
3/ Cash donations

Now as I said earlier all these things are indeed very commendable and the intentions are correct, but in terms of practicality they are difficult and nigh on impossible to arrange, remember guys all of us are spread far and wide throughout the world.

So this is my suggestion:

We create a new thread, title to be agreed on but maybe something as simple as:

Messages of support to Biff and family.

This thread is open for a period of time we agree on: (two weeks?)

This thread is just for messages for biff and family, please don't reply to messages with things like "whoah great words (whoever) that's exactly the way I feel, oh man those words mean so much to me etc.

When the agreed timescale for the thread has closed. (Someone again, lets agree on one person to do this.)

Copies and paste the messages in to word format and then e-mail it to the two e-mail addresses below and Vince, requesting that at a convenient time these messages from the SAXON website forum are forwarded to Biff and family.(By the way both these e-mails are available on the website)

Management worldwide:
Questions to Saxon care of Wouter Wirtz:

With regards the messages it might be nice to sign off with either your forum name / real name or both, but also put where in the world you are from, so Biff knows how far around the world Saxon touch!

By doing this IMO we are going to get our messages to Biff and family in a more structured and practical way.

Why don't we discuss this via this thread until 5pm (GMT) on Monday 4th April. And progress it forward with the points mentioned and any other suggestions from that point on.

Cheers for listening.

Fingers - first of all I will say 'Man, those words really relate to me and I agree with them so much! etc' and then cut to the chase!

I think this is a great idea! Essentially you are talking about an eCard in a more common-sense, simplistic fashion - taking the relevant information directly from the forum.
My initial problem was that we were all so wide-spread and the collation of the information would prove to be a hassle.
With the provision of the regulations and deadlines that you've provided, I really think that this is a brilliant way of achieving a fan-based e-card to Biff and one which he would prefer - far more than any other money-based input plan.

I agree - lets discuss this matter until the stated time to iron out any potential problems and then set a thread to paste and email to the relevant person to provide for Biff and his family.
No probs, Fingers, my insightful friend!

Lets just wait until April 4th - like you said - and see who we've got in the project. We can take it from there, yeah?
I think it is important that people provide their real names and locations to give it some emotional credibility. On the actual message, I suppose the fan can provide an anedote of why Saxon means so much to them, or how they first got into the band, or their most cherished Saxon memory.
The good thing is that if there are flaws on the thread which is to be sent, we can edit them until we all agree everything is cool for Biff.
I totally agree with this. This is the only way to do this really. We can all have our say together, in one place, and Biff gets to read it all. Rather than having odds and sods coming from all over the place.

I think Vince should set the thread up as a 'sticker', that way it is always on top of the message board. I also don't think that each message should go on for ever and ever detailing your life history of Saxon! That might be quite interesting, but if you have a couple of hundred like that............know what I'm saying?!!

And like Fingers said, it would be pointless someone saying "Nice words, I totally agree with them". Have something to say for yourself, even it is just wishing Biff and his family all the best.
Paxo - your terminology reflects that you've obviously more competence than myself when it comes to IT stuff! 'Sticker' - never heard of it, but it sounds like the thing we need to keep the project isolated from the other threads.
Regarding meandering and inappropriate messages, perhaps we should regulate the message to a certain amount of words? I'm thinking 50 (short & sweet)? We should ensure that the message is written in first person and has no references to previous messages posted to the Sticker.
Paxo - like you said, it doesn't need to be anything grand. It could simply be an 'all the best' kind of message.
I'm in, hopefully this can be started soon.I had the same idea but couldn't come up with a format.You all seem very dedicated to the band.I only hope I get to meet you guys someday and shake your hands or have a drink.Saxon is very special to me also,there aren't any other band I would go the distance to see.I support Biff and co 100 percent.
Thanks, Mr SaxonFan - Nice to hear that there are still solid fans over in your part of the world. Saxon do seem to have fans that are more dedicated than the usual rock fanatic, don't they? If you ever travel to the UK to watch the band, just let the forum know and I'm sure us Brit fans will be able to look after you and have a pint!
Fingers - nice work, My Friend. Let us know when you get a response from Vince and we can then take the next step.
Its an interesting one this, and I'm pissed up...

It's all well and good doing this, but is it ever going to be read...

I like most (probably) on the board have supported the band through the bad times, been to the gigs, chatted to Nibbs at the bar (surprising??? I dont think so)!!!) and I'm not sure that this is the best way of going about it all.

Going back to an earlier thread, I think the best way to do this (and as a longer lasting tribute) is to set up a website that we can all contribute to. We as fans are getting little from the band from the internet, lets show the band that we are HERE AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW IT. I dont know if any of the band read this site, but lets have a FAN presence on the internet, and a body of fans behind it.

I dont want to be disrespectfull to any of you... but I dont think that having a few heartfelt comments to biff on the board would mean as much as something we can all contribute to and make our gift to the band.

So let's make the fans something that the band want to know about.

Any thoughts?
MatRattz, fair point but we are going to e-mail this to the bands management also, not just leave it as a thread.

Chaps I've still not heard back from Vince, re. the "Sticky Issue".

Vince is you are reading this please tell us how to do a STICKY.

Matrattz - an independant website would be a great idea. That could be a long term plan of ours. However, the forum itself seems to be a good way of us fans communicating with each other, and the membership appears to be getting bigger!
Also, I think your intoxicated brain missed a few points. Like Fingers has stated, we will be putting our comments on the forum, but the plan is to have Vince print them off and hand them to Biff. That was the whole point of it - the plan definately has a much more personal approach.

Fingers - nothing from Vince yet. Well, because we followed your idea of having a deadline etc. At least we haven't wasted too much energy and time if Vince doesn't correspond. We're doing it the right way, I feel. Although it will be a crying shame if the official website does not bother contacting us on this issue.
saxonfan said:
I'm in, hopefully this can be started soon.I had the same idea but couldn't come up with a format.You all seem very dedicated to the band.I only hope I get to meet you guys someday and shake your hands or have a drink.Saxon is very special to me also,there aren't any other band I would go the distance to see.I support Biff and co 100 percent.

Im 100% behind anything we do to show our support, i still think a website put together by us the fans is a great way to go, as Nightwar said that can be more of a long term goal, perhaps. Having said that great fan/tribute sites always start off small anyway, i think we have the advantage of most of us great fans being able and wanting to contribute.

Obviously for now we have other things to sort out.. Making this topic a sticky will be a great start!

And how about is there some way of emailing the members who havent posted for a while and see if they want to be involved as well ? Ask the admin for all the email addys of people who have joined here maybe ?
I was thinking exactly the same thing, Valanx! You know what they say about great minds and stuff! Ha!
Anyhoo - the members internal email list is available. We could always issue reminders this way? Or at least we could contact the more regular members this way.
But there appears to be no word from Vince - the official website - yet, so we are kind of stuck at the moment!
Fingers - any news yet, Mate?
OK - Vince has now given the idea his blessing and provided the "Sticky" we need! Cheers, Mate, and sorry to bother you like that!

Let's all follow Fingers' guidelines above, OK?

Keep the message short and sweet, and have the message aimed directly to Biff and his family. Just like you would if you were putting something in a Get Well Card for a friend.

The whole objective of this is that the 'Sticky' will then be printed out by Vince and he will pass the print-out to Biff. So, have a good think about what you want to write before posting, OK?

Fingers, My organised friend - do you want to decide a deadline date for submissions on this? Vince will need to know when to print the messages out. What do you reckon, Mate?
Good work nightwar mate and thanks vince.

Im gonna have a good long think about what to write now :headbang:
Sounds good to me, Fingers. Lets have the deadline date due for 30-04-05. That makes the final day a Saturday, so it kind of wraps itself up for the weekend. A nice idea!
I need a little more time to think about what to put. It seems more difficult now that we have actually obtained the Sticky! But I don't mind getting things started. I'm thinking that I will put my post in tomorrow evening.

Loadsa thanx due to Vince for helping out on this! Cheers, Mate!