Re: Maiden's current U.S. setlist, ARGH!!!

Tattooed Millionaire has "Son of a Gun". "Born in '58" is alright too... But they don't come close to the utter excellence of the last three solo albums.

Either way... If you think those were Bruce's most embarassing moments you must not have heard nor read the stuff he did with Samson. Tee hee.
phyre said:
Tattooed Millionaire has "Son of a Gun". "Born in '58" is alright too... But they don't come close to the utter excellence of the last three solo albums.

The title song was ok, and the Mott the Hoople cover was decent, but not exactly Bowie standards.

Either way... If you think those were Bruce's most embarassing moments you must not have heard nor read the stuff he did with Samson. Tee hee.

Heh, back when he was ol' Bruce Bruce.
Went to Jones Beach in NY last night and the show was a complete dissapointment.

Missed Motorhead as was waiting for a friend + we bought tickets on the spot. They still had pretty decent floor seats at the ticket booth even though the show already started.

Dio, as great as a singer he is dissapointed big time. I mean the guy has at least 20 songs that are classics and he plays shit like Dream Evil and Killing the Dragon ?!?!?! Plus a drum solo and guitar solo in a 45 minute set ???? This is the second time I have seen him and he sucked again.

Now while Maiden was great, the problem with this venue was that it is an open air one right by the beach, so the sound was somewhere drifting in the wind AND

THERE WAS NO BEER SOLD in the place so everyone was really fucking sober ... I mean this was fucking lame. The few brews we had in the parking lot wore off after Dio went off so we just stood there fucking SOBER???? Is this some new shit in arenas recently??? Or is it just in NY???

Alchohol and Metal go hand in hand ...

Maiden played:


Wildest Dreams
The Wickerman
Brave New World
The clansman
The Clairvoyant
Fear of the Dark
2 Minutes to Midnight
Iron Maiden
Run to the Hills

Great start to the show with the first 5 songs but overall I thought the show was pretty boring, mostly to the lack of alcohol and the poor song selection in the middle of the set.

Me and friends decided we are tired of these "nostalgia" concerts and will concentrate on seeing new bands in clubs.

Mostly I felt old last night
We went to the PNC Arts Center in NJ last Friday. We tailgated from 3pm until we got in and so we had a good buzz going. People were blasting their radios with music, grilling burgers, handing out beers. Everyone was in a good mood.

lurch70 said:
Dio, as great as a singer he is dissapointed big time. I mean the guy has at least 20 songs that are classics and he plays shit like Dream Evil and Killing the Dragon ?!?!?! Plus a drum solo and guitar solo in a 45 minute set ???? This is the second time I have seen him and he sucked again.

I thought his sound system was the best of the night. I don't mind Killing the Dragon or Dream Evil, and hearing stuff like Rainbow in the Dark and Holy Diver is always so much fun with the whole arena on their feet and singing along. I agree the drum solo and guitar solo are a waste, but hey, we had beer at the PNC and so it was a worthy break.

Alchohol and Metal go hand in hand ...

Throw in a tailgate party and you've reached near-perfection.

Maiden played:
Brave New World

We never got Brave New World, and for the life of me, I can't remember what we got instead....

Great start to the show with the first 5 songs but overall I thought the show was pretty boring, mostly to the lack of alcohol and the poor song selection in the middle of the set.

In a live environment that's buzzing and screaming, songs like The Clansman, Clairvoyant(!!), and Wickerman work really well in my opinion.

I would say, however, that Bruce was just a little hidden under the guitars, and that might be recitified if they got rid of Gers...

And I'm man enough to admit that I got pretty choked up during Revelations. That was the showstopper for me.
heard about this yesterday on the Jim Rome show, haha, Nicko going for street cred.

Iron Maiden Drummer Arrested After Allegedly Driving Into Lot Attendant
07.28.2003 2:02 PM EDT


Five dates into Iron Maiden's U.S. leg of the Give Me Ed... 'Til I'm Dead Tour, the band's drummer, Michael "Nicko" McBrain, was arrested for allegedly purposely driving his black Jaguar into a parking attendant before a concert at the Tommy Hilfiger at Jones Beach Theater.

The 51-year-old drummer was trying to pull into the Wantagh, New York, venue's VIP parking lot on Saturday at around 8:30 p.m. when he was stopped by attendant Mark Robinson, who asked for credentials, state park police said. McBrain flashed his identification, but the attendant couldn't see it clearly and asked to view it again.

McBrain told the attendant he would hit him if he didn't move out of the way. The attendant didn't budge, so McBrain inched forward and struck him in the legs. The attendant backed up, but stood his ground, so the drummer warned him that if he didn't move, he'd be struck again. McBrain then drove the car more forcibly into Robinson, who fell on the hood of the Jaguar. Robinson suffered bruises on his right hand and legs, and was taken to Nassau University Medical Center for examination.

Police arrested McBrain at the scene and charged him with third-degree assault and second-degree reckless endangerment. After the arrest was processed, the drummer was released on an "appearance ticket," which allowed him to play the show. McBrain is scheduled to appear at First District Court of Nassau County in Hempstead, New York, on September 16. If convicted, McBrain could face up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

Iron Maiden's management had no comment.
There was a good buzz at Jones as well in the parking lot, unfortunatelly that buzz was over by the time Maiden hit the stage.

Besides the area right by the stage, the rest of the place was pretty quiet. I still blame the lack of alcohol :) for the crappy vibe of the show.

I mean before Maiden went on, there were a bunch of people hanging around the VIP area like 15 year olds begging people who had VIP passes to smuggle out beers for them.
And McBrain probably didn't feel like playing his heart out after having to run over dumb security guards just to get to his own backstage area.

I'll avoid Jones Beach based on what you say. Not only were people drinking and having fun at PNC, we even had a peace pipe being passed around, heh.
Maiden played Detroit last night, great show, but a little too short I thought. They went on about 9:30 and were done at 10:55. Bruce's long banter, though funny, could have been another song or two.

Number of the Beast
The Trooper
Die With Your Boots On
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Wildest Dreams
The Wicker Man
The Clansman
Fear of the Dark
The Clairvoyant
Iron Maiden

2 Minutes to Midnight
Run To The Hills

Set length aside, I will say that this show proved to me once again that Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.
The Number of the Beast opening was AWESOME.