Re:Manowar & Anthrax


Feb 7, 2002
Queens NY
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Did you know that Ross The Boss produced the first Anthrax Demo and also the Soilders Of Metal single?I still dig Manowar.They rule live!They have the best singer in metal Eric Adams.If you listen to them they have a new cd due this sring titled Warriors Of The World and are Headlineing Metal Fest in April at Asbury New Jersy. Death To False Metal Weave P.S. Did I mention what a killer tune Superhero is?
I agree that Manowar are a great band and Mr Adams is one hell of a singer but i wasn't too impressed with them live. I saw them at Dynamo, to much running off stage between songs for my liking. As you mentioned Ross the Boss does this mean he has rejoined? Do you have Manitoba's wild kingdom album which Ross plays guitar on, nothing like Manowar but a great party record and one of my all time favs.
Manowar have lost it imo, once one of the greatest metal-bands ever, nowadays a bunch of pathetic old men playing hercules. they are as fast as Thrax in putting out new studio albums.