reading tonight

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
some people at my school put on a poetry reading series at a hookah bar down the street (it used to be a church!) and, since i'm on the staff and this is the last reading of the semester and i'm leaving and all, i'm reading some of my poetry tonight.

i got about 5 hrs of sleep last night and was in class from 2-7 pm. wish me luck, hope i don't keel over in the middle of my reading!
I hate poetry readings. People applaud even if it's the most gawd-awful verse that's ever been written. Although you did mention hookahs......
i think a combination hookah/hooker bar would be the most enjoyable. and with some kind of soft snake-charmer music playing, not a bunch of angsty poems from spoiled kids who dont realize they're spoiled.
god, you guys are all such a buzzkill. i dunno, i guess all the poetry classes i've taken here have just made me more susceptible to angst, but we get really good writers at the thing. there were like 8 people there tonight. jeez. fuck you, finals week.
ooo! and i dressed up! ... well, i didn't really dress up, i just wore a fancy-ish shirt. and MAKE-UP! well ... eyeliner.

awkward pose but my hair looks good-ish:

even though the flash on the camera bleached me out, i'm wearing EYELINER!
Looking good with your boobies and eyeliner!

Eyeliner is good. I hate any other sort of makeup, except Dr. Pepper lip balm :tickled:
I couldn't find any chocolate diet dr pepper so I could taste the tootsie roll and be disgusted. I'm sad. :(
it's chocolate cherry dr. pepper, actually. the "chocolate" tootsie roll taste overpowers the cherry flavor though.