FAQ:How do Epic? ¯(°_o)/¯
A metal guide by motomoto
Rule number 1.
Read books.Lots of them.Anything with dragons,dwarfs,elf's,knights,barbarians will do.
Get into the spirit.
Rule number 2.
Don't rely only on your electric guitar.
Learn how to play flutes, bagpipes, get many midi sounds with waves splashing,
swords bashing, horses, donkeys.Whatever!!!!
They didn't have EMG's in the middle age.Dah
Rule number 3.
Start wearing leather pants.NO, i repeat, NO fuckin underwear.
No diesel jeans or boxers in the middies either.
Rule number 4.
Get used to the fuckin language.
If i'll hear you say ''get in the car bitch'' i reap you tong!!!
From now on its ''enter thy vehicle my mistress''
Rule number 5.
Don't play fast.
If somebody wanted to hear some riffs he'll listen to Slayer.
One chord at the time.Nobody's rushing you.Keep the feeling intact.
Rule number 6.
If you don't have a pretty voice, lets say...like a bard, don't worry.
It's not your fault that you were trying to sound like George ''Corpsegrinder'' Fisher when you were 15.
Get a hot chick to sing!!!!
Worst case scenario, if your music sucks nobody is gonna complain
So now that we've sorted it, lets bring on the REAL FUCKIN EPIC songs