Real SSL ftw!

I have used the SSL AWS900 before at Finnvox, but I didn't operate it. I am here (as an exchange student) to learn how to operate the SSL console as the routing is pretty sick, even getting a sound out from Pro Tools required like pressing atleast 13 buttons.
Always enjoyed the SSLs. When you have all the outputs from Pro Tools normalled to the channels, it doesn't get much better.
gnna have access to the AWS900 v soon, would love a mess on with the duality!

had some great time on this though;-):

Neve vrp48

Too bad Duality only have 24bus (and are too expensive), that not enough for me... But congrats

But it has direct outs on top of that no? It's a rare session I see that uses more than 24 busses on an analog console
get to track drums on a 4k for three days next week... stoked. totally gonna EQ to tape.

I haven't touched one since School in the 90's. SSL 4KG, Neve VR, and an Ancient API used by everyone from Prince to the Beach boys. I was learning about the automation for the API while The Allman Brothers were running through songs for a Miller Commercial in studio A.
I got to use SSL Duality today for the first time. Take that nsguitar! :loco: I have kinda like private teacher for it, there is only two of us in the class and we have three hours a week of usage time on that console at the college, and shit mang! That is one big ass space shuttle. :yow:

The Duality is awesome. The VHD pres are really cool too. Only downside is only 2 Aux sends for headphones...but using the board as a control surface while mixing is effing great!
But it has direct outs on top of that no? It's a rare session I see that uses more than 24 busses on an analog console

But in term of workflow, bus and DO isn't the same (alternate CUE mix during tracking for exemple).